Chapter 1- Abandoned Husband

In the deepest part of the demon realms imperial palace, a newborn baby was sleeping peacefully as a black haired beauty was watching over her.

With a smile that could cause the downfall of a country, the beauty whispered, " Yan Liqin, my precious child, after so many agonizing months I could finally have you." A tear left the beauties eyes as she solemnly said, "Sadly, I can no longer have any more children, and there will be no siblings to accompany you. But it's alright because all I need in this world is you."

As Yan Qingzhao stared at her daughter's adorable face, she felt more and more content. "That's right, mommy needs no one else but you. I will spoil you to death, my sweet daughter."

At that moment, a tall handsome man, with a stature that could oppose the gods appeared in the room, "Wife, let our daughter sleep, you have been sitting next to her for two days and two nights. Why don't you accompany me for a while." With a mischievous grin, he sat down next to his beautiful wife and took her hand.

aYn Qingzhao immediately yanked away from her hand and glared at her husband. "Our baby has been born and all you can think of is having me accompany you?!"

Putting on the look of an aggrieved wife, Yan Gouwei looked at Yan Qingzhao and said, "It's you who didn't let me take in any concubines, isn't it enough that I have suffered nine months without you?"

"Hmph, fine go on and take in some concubines like those rotten mortals do, see if I care"

Yan Gouwei pitifully looked at his wife with tears practically spilling out of his eyes, "I was just joking, please don't be angry with me wife. In this life-no- in every life, I, Yan Gouwei will only love you."

As if looking at an idiot Qingzhao shook her head and looked back down at her precious daughter. Seeing his wife so determined, Gouwei gave up his act and joined her in admiring their daughter. The more he looked at her, the more he wanted to spoil the infant. Before he knew what he was doing, his right hand was already by his daughter's cheek and squeezing it until it turned red.

Like a mother tiger protecting its cub, Yan Qingzhao quickly smacked his hands away and picked up her now crying and red-faced daughter. With a glare, she yelled, "Get out now! You are not allowed to see my daughter and me for a month!"

"But she's also my dau-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a swift kick met his stomach and in an instant, he found himself outside on the ground.

At that moment, a lower demon frog servant happened to be passing by. Seeing the emperor on the ground in such a state, the servant quickly bowed down and said, "This lowly servant greets emperor." Hearing the servant, Yan Gouwei got up and patted his robes. He then suddenly turned his head to face the servant and yelled, "What are you doing here! Don't you know that you shouldn't be in this courtyard!? Hmph, see what will happen to you if you disturb the princesses sleep."

"Yes, yes this servant knows he did wrong, this servant will leave immediately." The frog demon quickly got up and ran out of the courtyard as if King Yama was personally chasing him to drag him to hell.

Later that day, a rumor spread throughout the servants quarters saying that the Emperor once again did something to displease his wife and was kicked out of her courtyard. That night, none of the servants could sleep. The sheer thought of their demon emperor's foul mood for the next month would send shivers up their spines. Who knows how many punishments would be handed out to these poor servants just to appease the abandoned husband's anger.