Ending the Second Phase(1)

As soon as Faxul got the message, he couldn't believe what he had heard.

He knew exactly the task that Daneel had set for himself, and he hadn't been envious of him at all, as he had known that it was something that would definitely take a lot of time and effort.

In fact, he had been doubtful if Daneel would even be able to pull it off.

Yet, now he was supposed to believe that it was all over in just three days?

When they had talked, Daneel had said that he would have to go to each and every family that was in support of being happy with the state of the kingdom, and use Mind Control to introduce thoughts in their mind to sway them in the opposite direction. As for how he would identify the stance of each family in the first place, he said that it would be using the data from the display trinkets that he had already deployed in each and every village and town in the Black Raven Kingdom in preparation to hijack those that the King of Axelor would definitely deploy.