Ending the Second Phase(2)

All over the continent, people had tuned in to the Network to catch up on the latest shows.

Yet, when they were greeted by another 'Breaking News' report, they braced themselves, expecting another shocker like the one where they had seen the twists and turns that had resulted in the Black Raven Kingdom allying with the Kingdom of Axelor.

That entire episode had been so captivating that most people had been glued to the Network Trinkets all day, and when the conclusion where the combined army of Lanthanor and Eldinor running back to their Kingdoms had been shown, many had dropped their jaws in disbelief, unable to reconcile with the fact that the King of Lanthanor who had been shown before to be invincible, had been beaten in this way.

Of course, those who had already been thinking ill of King Daneel had rejoiced, but they were a minority. For the most part, there was only surprise that took days to vanish.