Xuan's Story

Xuan's words plunged the entire room into silence, as no one could really believe what they were hearing.

They all knew that the one she was referring to, as no analysis of the Order would be complete without speaking about this illustrious person who had such a considerable following that she was once even suspected to have planned a coup.

Robert was the only one who was slightly puzzled, as he was not privy to information regarding the Order, of which all of the others were a part. What he didn't know was that Daneel had had all of the others take a very extensive survey of all of the Heroes in the Order, and this was when they had found out that this woman was one of those who seldom spoke in any of the gatherings, but was a very respected individual who was so powerful that she could tackle multiple Heroes at the same level as her without even breaking a sweat, unless they were also as extremely talented as her.