Goddess Xuan

Daneel didn't have to think long, at all, to give his answer.

"There are many words that I might use to describe you, but 'incapable' and 'overconfident' have never been a part of that list. I know that you are filled with emotions at the moment, Goddess, but even then, I trust you. Go forth, and good luck. I only have one condition: there is a small part of my consciousness within your mind. I assure you that it is not capable of thought, but I have used a special enchantment that will allow me to be notified in case you are in life-threatening danger. I care too much about you to allow you to go on such a dangerous mission without backup. And of course, if you need my help, you are welcome to it. Until you ask, though, I promise that I will not step in."

He spoke in a soothing voice while also casting the spell which allowed it to have a calming effect on Xuan, and thankfully, it worked.