
After the long meeting that took place in the center of the vast city in Elysium, many plans were set afoot by the sovereigns who were each given an important duty to fulfill.

These plans were such that they were meant to affect all of the strata of people present in the continent, but in a remote place to the north of Angaria, a group of people had gathered who didn't care one whit about what happened to anyone but themselves.

By design or coincidence, the location that had been chosen for the gathering was a unique one.

It was said that it was the place where two Heroes had fought to the death over the most mundane of things: a compliment.

Alas, that compliment came from someone around whom the entire power of the continent revolved at that time, and although the rest of the details were not clearly known to the general population, the bards were known to embellish upon the fact that that woman…meant for the fight to happen.