
"Well... everyone knows me already... so what the fuck is the point in hiding my name anymore?! Show my name... I'm gonna stun everyone so much untill they're numb to being stunned... ." said Ren with a cocky face.


[World Announcement system: Congratulations to player Syd for being the first player to reach [Intermediate Level Alchemy]. As this is a great feat to accomplish, the player will be rewarded with 50 Gold coins and the stat Charm will be unlocked for him plus +10 Charm Points.]

Everyone was stunned silly and speechless as The World Chat was filled with EVERYONE's "WTFFFF!!!", "How the fuck does he do that?" and words like that.

Player A "Damn... I'm only level 5 and I have worked without resting for a moment since the launch of the game... just how is it possible to accomplish so many feats in such a short period of time...?"

Player B "The cheaty bastard again... I haven't heard of anyone getting even Basic Alchemy and he has already upgraded it to Intermediate Level Alchemy... The game company should provide some answers... we at least deserve that."


Player D (Radish) "I knew you're gonna do more awesome things... but to think you would do it so quick... congrats.😉"

Like the usual Ren became the talk of the town again, only it wasn't only a town, but the whole game world. lot's of girls were confessing their fiery love for Ren, lots of boys were cursing him out of jealosy, lots of them were admiring or even worshipping him... while others were full of doubt towards Ren and even the game company.


"Hahaha I got my golds back... . Thank God... my ass was burning for throwing away fifty gold coins just like that." Ren started laughing happily when he saw the rewards for being the first person to reach [Intermediate Level Alchemy].

"Ohhh... . The charm stat opened for me... Awesome! and with 10 additional free charm points... that's like gaining a free level." Ren said excitedly.

'System does the charm stat effects show in real world too?' Ren asked the Reality System with shining eyes.

[Ofcourse it does. Does it even needed to be asked. Everything is possible with me here. I can even erase you right now because you aren't calling me boss. It seems you're starting to get cocky.] Reality System answered a little annoyed.

Ren was so excited about the charm stat he forgot to call the system boss again 'Boss... my great boss... take it easy... mistake makes us human and I'm just a puny mortal humanbeing like you said which forgets so quickly... It's not my fault my brain doesn't have the capacity to hold information and makes mistakes... so don't get angry because it's a normal thing... I mean... if you want me to call you boss so much... you can make me an immortal or something that forgets nothing as anything is possible for our great boss lord.'

[...] the system became speechless as what he said kinda made sense. Humanbeings do make mistake and they tend to forget quickly. He didn't know if he should be satisfied with his answer as Ren was clearly dissing himself, but why did it feel like he was insulting him.

as turning Ren into an immortal, for sure the system didn't have the ability to just suddenly turn him into an immortal out of nowhere, so he didn't know even more what to say anymore as he had just said anything is possible for him.

'LOL.' He amused by system's silence. Ren was getting the hang of Reality System now, He was grinning with pleasure and happiness inside for finally scoring one and venting a little against the system without making it obvious. He wasn't even thinking about anything right now as he decided to go at it without thinking when it came to the system just with his instincts. He just needed to not think about his words and go with his feelings.

"Sigh... anyway it seems the charm stat can only mean one thing then... that I'm destined to be the most attractive man in the world, That God wants to make lots of girls fall for me... ,sigh... such a hateful fate I have... Is this a foreshadow for a harem in my life?" Ren's eyes were shining when he said these words but his words were showing the opposite like this was the most hateful thing in the world, and it was like his sigh's were saying eventhough he hated it, It couldn't be helped as it was God's plans and he couldn't go against it.

[No... I'm sure It's just a pure coincidence.😑 ... if there are any foreshadows it's that you're a pervert bastard're just trying to justify your dirty acts of the future and make it sound like the right thing to do... like it was the universe's way of telling you to do it.😐]

"So boss... basically you're saying I'm foreshadowing in a foreshadow?" Ren said completely unpurturbed by the system's words.

[WTF NO! Are you even listening to me!? I'm saying you're a pervert bastard who seems to be planning for a harem like it was forced upon you!]

"Anyway... foreshadows aside... now that I upgraded my [Basic Level Alchemy] to [Intermediate Level Alchemy] it's time for me to learn [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe]." Ren decided to act like he didn't hear it at all as he changed the subject.

[...] The System was just tired of Ren and had enough of him so he just went quiet.

"Learn [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe]." commanded Ren.

[ [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe] successfully Learned.]

"Show [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe] information." Ren said.

[ [Intermediate Health Potion Recipe]

Description: with this recipe the Intermediate Level Alchemist can make [Intermediate Health Potion]. This potion can be of great help as it can be used while in combat and has immediate effect on the user.

Ingredients required to make the [Intermediate Health Potion]: 2x Lavender Seed + 2x Rosemary Seed + 2x Life Powder]

[The produced product is going to be like this:

[Intermediate Health Potion]

Description:Restores 1000 HP immediately. It can be used while in combat. ]