Connection and Resolve (1)

Inside the cannibal village Chaos was walking around searching the various houses around the forest floor searching for weapons or crystal cores.

The moment the flames would get close to Chaos they would embrace him, but he didn't feel hurt or in pain, rather he felt a nice kind of warmth you would get from seeing close family after several years apart.

However the story was different for Pan as she was feeling like she was in a sauna as the temperature in the cannibal village was already over a hundred degrees Celsius, strangely enough though even in this temperature, one of the building in the village was still not burning down.

'What the hell?' Chaos walked towards frustrated that this little hut could withstand his flames.

Breaking in the door the inside of the hut illuminated with an unearthly light blinding them for a few seconds before clearing up.

Inside the hut were several gems of monsters like the mutated ant and a few other strange looking ones.

Chaos, feeling like all of the work and effort was worth it now, headed over and ate one of the gems and the feeling of foreign energy came again this time however it was more like a drop in an ocean, completely insufficient to make any sort of splash toward his growth.

'Maybe it won't do much for me but it should help Pan in getting stronger.' Thinking this Chaos pointed towards the gems with one paw looking back towards Pan and then lowering himself to let her go and collect them.

"You want me to collect these gems?" She asked already heading towards them, not waiting for his response.

'Damn she's already got all that spunk after riding me one time.' Chaos thought dirtily, laughing internally.

In the next moment however his expression froze and was completely serious running forward standing over Pan, when she touched one of the gems she went unconscious and the gem started melting into her palm.

'Shit, She's wont be able to absorb the energy alone!' At the rate she was going with little bits of blood coming out of her mouth he decided to try something extremely dangerous.

Putting down one paw softly onto her chest, he closed his eyes and moved his energy in small trickles into her body, stabilizing her and helping to absorb the energy from the crystal.

Suddenly while helping to absorb the crystal energy a blinding light radiated out of both Chaos and Pan's foreheads moving towards each other and mixing together, but neither of them had time to care, meanwhile above them the two white lights had completely mixed into a new light with red and white inside it, then splitting again with both colors inside it and back into their foreheads.

The entire process took less than three seconds, when the lights returned to each of them it was like an invisible chain had been established between them, at the same time Chaos' fur started changing his white eyes now had become a muddled with red inside it, his white socks and red fur had combined into a beautiful mix of the two, each strand of hair on him became red, orange and then white at the end of the strand giving a feeling of mystery.

Pan on the other hand had her hair under go the same transformations, her originally brown eyes were now changed completely, becoming red and white like Chaos' the true transformation however came from her hair and her body, her hair become like Chaos' fur, while her bodies strength increased by several times, jumping to the same strength as one of the cannibals.

It took a few more seconds before the gem was completely absorbed and they both woke up from the trance like state where their energies had mixed and connected.

'Good, your safe.' Chaos though with a visible relieved expression.

"Huh? Did you just talk?!?" At this Pan jumped up looking at Chaos strangely.

'Can you hear me?' Chaos thought surprised.

"Yeah, I can hear you, my god its like your talking right into my head." She said surprised yet happy

'Can you hear my thoughts?' She tried thinking towards Chaos but he just kind of strangely looked at her.

'What are you doing, it feels weird.' He asked curiously.

"I was trying to send you one of my thoughts." She said disappointed that it did'nt work, though it clearly means from his response that in the future maybe it would work.

'Finish collecting everything in here then, use the bag in the corner over their, we leave soon, the fire would be seen for miles around, all sorts of creatures are probably on their way here now if not already here.'

"Yup!" She said getting to work collecting everything while Chaos kept lookout in case anything tried to make moves, it was also now that he realized his perception reach had tripled to three meters, being able to feeling everything within that range, anything farther than two meters however is fuzzy.

In a few moments Pan was done collecting everything, inclusively having found a great ax at the side of the cabin, most likely used for cutting up the human meat at it still had blood on it.

Pan could barely keep hold of it using her new found strength.

Outside, the creatures for miles around had already converged, they could smell the dead bodies as well as the gems inside of Pan's bag.

The smell had never leaked out before because it was too weak, but after the connection established between the two of them a vast amount of aura had spread out attracting all manner of beast, and at this close of range these few gems were also found out.

If it had been before then maybe Chaos would have been forced to escape but now he had no reason to do so, on the contrary it would be a great opportunity to flex his muscles and feed to get back to peak state, since as he is now his body is dried up.

'I'm going to attack and slaughter all of them, you should probably get off.' Chaos said to Pan telepathically, lowering his body to let her off.

"I can't always be protected by you, I need to become stronger!" However she unexpectedly did not get off showing her stubbornness and rather stayed on his back, hanging the bag to her waist using both hands on the great ax.

Because of this a big smile crept up and onto his face, though to others because of his size and the pressure he was releasing this smile looked more like a death warrant.

'Then let's get you some battle experience, AWOO!" Hot bloodily speaking, he let off a world trembling howl charging into the sea of beasts sending in a fan of fire, directly incinerating several unlucky beasts, then came the close combat.

He could feel Pan trembling on his back, 'You must attack if you want to get stronger!' said Chaos fighting off a triplet group of apes.

"I know already!" Pan said swinging towards a diving hawk, almost three times the average hawk size, with the swing she took the poor birds wing knocking it to the ground where it was mauled by the beasts.

Every beast that would jump towards Chaos would be either incinerated, squashed or sliced.

It took almost a half an hour to wad through all of the beasts that were attacking, the rest of the beasts left had started running away as fast as possible, even if they're stupid they understand that this is a battle that can't be won.

In the aftermath, the incinerated beasts number fifty six, and the sliced beasts number twelve.

'Go and get the gems from the dead beasts, I'm going to mark this place as my territory for the time being.' Chaos said letting her down before running about the edges of the Cannibal camp marking the tree's with his claw marks and rubbing his body against everything in the area, leaving his scent everywhere around.

However he always stayed within view of Pan, in case any of the beasts should come back.

Though he wasn't too worried, he could feel it that during that battle her legs stopped trembling and her battle sense had increased by leaps and bounds, her energy becoming more tenacious and robust, clearing out her body of impurities during the battle.

Within a minute Chaos had already circled the area leaving traces of himself everywhere within two hundred meters of the camp, he didn't want to claim too much as this was only temporary.

Running back Pan had already collected all of the gems and was in the midst of pulling the beasts into the camp.