In the car Pan was sleeping, unbeknownst to her several people had surrounded the car and were moving closer stealthily, inch by inch.
One of the people made hand signs to the other, in response that person nodded their head and moved right next to Pan's window.
In the next moment, the man raised his hand striking towards the glass, the moment the glass broke Pan woke up but it was already too late, the man had his hand at her throat and pulled her out of the car window not giving her the chance to even scream, knocking her out instantly.
The men left after with her on the mans back, running into the woods towards the unknown.
A while later Chaos got back to the car and saw the situation.
'This girl! Will she ever stop being trouble!" Though despite his thoughts Chaos spent no time idle already having picked up Pan's scent mixed with the men's scent.
One he picked up the scent he kicked it into overdrive willing his energy to circulate faster, shooting forward like an arrow Chaos was running on the forest floor at full speed.
Within five minutes he had caught up to the scent, judging by the smell, she would have been around here not a minute ago.
Running forward Chaos came to a village with tree top houses.
Then Pan came into his sights, she was inside a cage on the ground floor, unconscious.
The villagers that took her back their had already headed into their homes up in the tree's, the ground floor had no one on it now accept for the cages with a few other people inside of them.
Pan was in the cage in the center ring, staying in the shadows while moving Chaos could see that the houses on the ground were really their food stores, and inside were the limbs of human beings.
'It's a cannibal camp, damned pieces of trash.' Seeing that these people even now at the end of the world were still not only not helping the people they found but killing and eating them.
In a few moments he had arrived in front of Pan's cage, it's made out of the wood so Chaos bit through it pulling at the door till it came off.
'Tuff.' With the cage door falling in the silent night the noise rang out.
Biting into Pan's clothes Chaos threw her up onto his back and ran through the shadows to the outside of the cannibal camp, a few moments later the entire cannibal camp went into an uproar, and behind him Chaos could hear them closing in.
'I fight.' With Pan on his back he'd never be able to escape and showing his back to the enemy is asking to get murdered.
With a sudden stop Pan flew off of Chaos' back landing into the shrubbery nearby, it was also then that the cannibals caught up.
'BARK BARK BARK' Chaos infused his energy into his barks gaining the attention of all of the cannibals, running towards them.
The cannibal directly in front of him swung down a club looking weapon, to this Chaos effortlessly dodged the strike running around him and towards their village.
'I'll burn it all down and make my escape.' With this in mind Chaos arrived at the village with a belly full of anger and started spraying the massive tree's with houses on them.
Behind him the cannibals finally caught up and swung their clubs at him simultaneously while those in the tree's fired off arrows towards him.
Chaos couldn't escape the attacks from all sides.
'If i can't dodge then i'll make you pay for the privilege!' Thought Chaos before turning his mouth downwards firing off a jet of flames into the ground causing it to go around all sides, burning the cannibals that were attacking, but they did not stop despite the fire and finished their attacks.
In a moment the men around him had fire all over their legs reaching into their bodies scorching them, they would no longer be able to fight.
The bruises and damage to his body from the club strikes however shook his internal organs causing him to cough out a blotch of blood.
This is also when the arrows landed turning him into a pin cushion, but he still moved.
'If i stop I'll die and if i die Pan will die, so i wont stop, I CANT STOP!'
"AWOOO!!" Letting off a mighty howl Chaos' body started growing, the arrows pushed out of his body, the energy inside of him becoming more pure and vibrant, thicker, sturdier, if before it was a two strands of silk, now it was a large clump, forcing his body to expand and develop.
At some point the arrows had stopped piercing Chaos, and instead just served as annoying pebbles to him.
The energy within him overflowing Chaos let out a mighty breath of fire spreading in a fan shape, engulfing the entire cannibal village in flames, the archers forced off their tree's burned in the flaming ocean below, the entire village dead and gone.
Chaos had now grown to around two meters tall easily topping the largest wolf of the old world, however after the intense expansion of his body Chaos now looked bony and warn out, his fur being less vibrant and his overall look being wretched.
Yet even now with his bony physique his new physical prowess could easily still topple this entire village.
Chaos immediately ran back to where he dropped Pan only to find her awake and looking around cautiously.
When her eyes and Chaos' eyes met she screamed falling backwards.
'I should probably step out of the darkness.' As such Chaos moved out from the darkness showcasing himself to Pan, in all of his glory.
"CHAOS!" Pan screamed running straight at Chaos with tears in her eyes hugging him and hitting him.
"How could you abandon me like that! Don't you dare ever do that to me again!" She said crying, hitting Chaos' body.
'After all she is only sixteen years old, had a normal sheltered life and yet was suddenly pushed into this new world with monsters and cannibals, and all manner of evil lurking in every corner, yet she found me which had helped her and saved her life, then I disappeared, her only source of emotional support, being kidnapped and nearly killed, waking up alone in the forest.' Thinking of all of this Chaos felt terrible about leaving her behind like that in the car all alone.
Chaos looking directly into her eyes, used his now massive head lifting her up and onto his back walking towards the cannibal village.
'There should be weapons left their for her, she must learn to keep herself safe.'
On the walk back Pan still cried till she got right nearby the cannibal looking inside, seeing the village engulfed in flames, burnt corpses strewn all about the forest floor.
'He did this for me?' With a flash of insight Pan realized why she was in the forest, connecting the dots of her being kidnapped and Chaos arriving to save her.
"Thank you." She said lovingly, hugging his back, in this new world the chances of humans surviving at the bottom of the food chain are already low, but to have a companion who would wage war although outnumbered and out gunned for you was rare even before the apocalypse, those people were called family.
'Any day Pan.' thought Chaos, more than ever he wanted the ability to speak, something to let him relay his thoughts to her, let her know he appreciates her and whats she's done for him.
Unbeknownst to both Pan and Chaos, the both had started, consciously or not, thinking of each other as family, though a strange pairing, it would also be the beginning of a great tale.