The map itself had one large green circle meant to show the location of the capital, and farther out from the capital there was an arrow, this is where they are, the tribes are red circles with the larger the red circle the more dangerous the tribe, while the smaller the circle the less dangerous the tribe.
"We should move for the smaller tribes and check them out." Pan said, and without a word Chaos began running according to her direction, the closest tribe being over twenty kilometers away, the travelling would take a half a day travelling carefully.
Half a day later...
All of the beasts that they had encountered had run away at the sight of Chaos and Pan, fleeing the moment they would appear, making the journey much smoother.
On the outskirt of the barbarian village Chaos and Pan were lurking, looking into the village from the tree line, the village itself had a five foot tall fence made out of wood, the inside of the village had fifteen houses and four animal pens, the people roaming around the inside of village were all at work doing something, feeling out the aura in the village the highest ranking person here would be a low rank 1, the same rank as Pan.
Counting the people present inside of the tribe the men accounted for thirteen of them while the women accounted for sixteen of them and children standing at six.
The entire tribes population being 36 people large.
This being the smallest tribe on the map and thus the weakest.
"This'll be it for today, we come back tomorrow morning, we have to get back before it get's dark or else we may not make it back at all." Pan said seriously, In the night is when the real predators would come out to hunt for game and kill those in their territory.
On their way back the aura's of several powerful beasts would pop up every now and then forcing them to switch paths and lengthening the route back to the city, eventually however they arrived safely.
"She said building 22 right?" asked Pan doubtfully.
"Yes, it's building 22, we just gotta find it." Chaos said back.
Once inside the military district, following the dormitory numbers they arrived in front of building 22 and...
The place is abandoned, cobwebs everywhere, a plaque on the front with a rider and their partner on it.
The entire building is crumbling at the seems, but no matter how broken it looks it just won't finish breaking, even when Chaos slapped it to make sure it was safe.
Walking inside their were three signs up, a half broken sign saying 'Bestiary Library' and another pointing to the right saying 'Dormitory' with the last one pointing straight forward with the words 'Dining Hall.' engraved into it.
"Let's sleep then." Chaos said moving towards the dormitory, since this is a building specifically built for mounted units many also didn't want to leave their rides behind, so the corridors and rooms as well as doors were built extra large to allow entrance of the mounts.
The room that Pan chose was on the top floor, the biggest room in the entire building, within is one extra large king sized bed large enough to fit the two of them on the bed.
Chaos was the first to speed onto the bed, "So this's what a bed feels like!" He said excitedly jumping around the bed, giving the perfect image of a cute and playful dog, that has horns, and is red, and slightly large and maybe a bit scary looking.
But Pan didn't mind one bit and instead jumped onto the bed jumping around as well.
This was the first time since the god abandoned this world that she had gotten to sleep in a proper bed without worrying about anything else.
After playing around for a few minutes of intense 'combat' the both of them fell asleep, Chaos lying on his stomach with Pan's arms around him holding onto him tightly.
The next morning...
Waking up slowly with bed head Pan got up leaving Chaos in bed snoring with bits of slobber coming out of the side of his mouth and headed towards the bathing area, heating up the water.
By the time the water was done heating up, Chaos came over and looked at her strangely, "You do know that I could have just heated up the water right?" He said in a laughing tone, jumping into the water with a splash.
"Hmph, I can't rely on you for everything!" She said feeling embarrassed and red faced only now realizing that the pool was warmer than before.
"You didn't just...?!?!" Jumping out of the water Pan looked at Chaos swimming in the poor, yellow water all around him, "CHAOS! You don't pee in the water!" She said exasperated.
"Why not?" Chaos responded curiously, it was also now that it dawned on Pan, he had never been in such a big bath before, just like he had never been on a bed before, he needs to be taught all of these things.
And so for the first part of the morning Pan spent teaching Chaos basic bathing etiquette, and manners when eating at the table as well as all manner of common sense rules, though even with his high intelligence rivaling that of a fifteen year old he could still not wrap his head around certain things.
"Lets go to the library for a quick look, then head off to the tribe from yesterday." Chaos said leaving towards the library from the table.
Inside of the library it was unusually clean, like it had a shield against age and time, it was then that a mouse entered into the room as well, Chaos had felt its presence before, he just didn't care, but it was then that the mouse moved towards one of the books trying to bite at it that a spider web shot down at incredibly speeds taking less than a breath for the mouth to be caught and pulled back up into the abyss of a ceiling.
A shiver visibly ran through his spine, the speed of the spider web was so fast that if it wasn't within his perception range he most likely wouldn't have even noticed it.
"I am the new owner of this place! I won't harm the books, I just wish to see them!" He yelled towards the abyss like ceiling, understanding that it acted because the mouse tried harming the books.
From the ceiling, hundreds of pairs of eyes suddenly opened, reflecting red lights, "There has been no one in this place for many years, prove to me that you are truly the new owner." With an aged and archaic voice not different from those people who had seen all life had to give.
"We were given this place by her highness Elara, the princess, my dog tags should be proof enough!" Chaos said back, Pan had also entered the library, and was looking up at the hundreds of red lantern like eyes.
"Put the tags down away from you." The voice said once again.
Doing as he said Chaos took off his tags, and looked at Pan for her to do the same, once they had backed off the same web picked them up.
"Good, you two are truly who you say you are, Chaos, Pan" Taking a stop between talking he came down from the ceiling landing in front of them and throwing their tags back. "Welcome to the bestiary! I , Alfar, am the Keeper of Knowledge! What do you seek?" He said finishing with a boom in his voice, the spider in front of them was a spider but not a spider, he had the upper body of a spider and the lower body of a spider.
"I seek for a way to become stronger!" Chaos and Pan said without hesitation.
In the next second the Alfar smiled a creepy smile, as if staring into his soul, "Good, you're both still blank slates, but before becoming stronger, I'd suggest learning more about yourselves and the world you now live in." He said slightly twitching one of this fingers, several books flying out from the shelves landing in a perfectly stacked pile on Chaos' head at the same time.
"As they say, Knowledge is Power." With this Alfar disappeared back into the back light of the ceiling completely disappearing as if he was never their, invisible.
"Let's read this on the way to the tribe." Pan said grabbing the three books.
" 'Bestiary', 'Ranks', and 'Innate abilities', then let's find out exactly what kind of creature you are." She said excitedly jumping up and onto his back, putting the other two books into a bag for safe keeping which she strapped to her Warhammer.
Setting off they began the journey to the tribe, and with it reading the books.