
" 'Bestiary Glossary' umumumum, Wolves! Their it is! page 872." Looking around the glossary she finally found the wolves page, excitedly flipping towards it.

"The wolves are a predator species starting with the Lightning wolf blah blah blah, Where are the fire wolves!" Going through the bestiary and coming up with squat for almost thirty minutes she was unable to find wolves like Chaos, the closest being the Flame wolves, but they didn't have white eyes or grew as big as Chaos has, nor did they have horns.

"Looks like you're a one of a kind wolf then, a brand new species!" Pan screamed in excitement.

"Great." Chaos' said with drooped ears, wolves are pack animals, and he is destined to never find another like him.

"Don't worry, you still have me don't you?" She said flailing her arms and rubbing Chaos' back like one would do for their dog when their sad.

"Yeah, I have you." Chaos said his ears perked up again and his tail wagging.

"Next up We have the Ranks book! This is what I've been curious about for weeks!" Pan said her body trembling.

"Alright, it says..."

'Ranks are the denomination of how much power an individual has.

It is separated for beasts by the amount of symbols and rings they have in their sea of power while humans is separated by the amount of power in their system and their own comprehension.

Beast Power Ranking:

Low Rank 0 - Symbol is forming, no rings, no power

Intermediate Rank 0 - Symbol is forming, No rings, has unlocked their power.

Advanced Rank 0 - Symbol is on the verge of becoming solid, power is unlocked.

Low Rank 1 - Symbol has formed, one ring around, power flows smoothly.

Intermediate Rank 1 - Symbol is Formed, two Rings, power channels unlocked, symbol starts transforming.

Advanced Rank 1 - Symbol is transformed, Body metamorphosis, three rings, second power releasing.

Low Rank 2 - New stronger symbol formed, new power completely unlocked, all rings absorbed by the symbol.

Intermediate Rank 2 - Symbol is larger, second power is controlled with the fluidity of a body part.

Advanced Rank 2 - Can completely control the power of its element in the air within ten meters.

Low Rank 3 - Symbol starts the forming of an altar, the control of element in the air is improved to fifty meters, speaking ability is appearing.

Intermediate Rank 3 - Altar is partially formed, Elemental control improved to one hundred meters, powers may mutate, speaking is rough.

Advanced Rank 3 -The altar is one step from being formed, Elemental control increases to two hundred meters, speaking is fluent.

Low Rank 4 - Altar formed, allows for the beast to change convert other elements into its own and can learn a new element.

Intermediate Rank 4- Unknown.'

"And that's it for the ranking system for beasts, so where are you at" Pan curiously said.

"In my sea of power the three rings are starting to congeal together, so I'd be a peak advanced stage Rank 1, at the rate it's going it'll take me about a year to advance into the Rank 2 realm." He said after thinking about it for a moment.

"Alright so that the Ranks for beasts, now its my turn,

'Human Ranking,

Low Rank 0 - energy starts appearing, special powers may appear.

Intermediate Rank 0 - Energy is apparent, body condition improves drastically.

Advanced Rank 0 - Body condition reaches the maximum allowed for a mortal body.

Low Rank 1 - Body has been re-constructed, body is at it's optimal state, energy had integrated completely into the body, power will appear and if already present will strengthen.

Intermediate Rank 1 - Building of a symbol commences in the sea of power.

Advanced Rank 1 - Energy is circulating without the need of owners control, constantly re forging the body.

Low Rank 2 - Symbol is formed, perception formed.

Intermediate Rank 2 - Can infuse power into their strikes.

Advanced Rank 2 - Can manifest power outside of their bodies.

Low Rank 3 - The ability to control the elements in the air begins manifesting.

Intermediate Rank 3 - Can see the elements, unable to move me.

Advanced Rank 3 - Can control the elements in the air novice, extremely taxing.

Low Rank 4 - Unknown.

Both beasts and Humanoids can reach Low rank 2 stage with enough effort, however from their it is all comprehension and good luck to continue to advance.'

"And those are the human ranks, by that I'm an anomaly, with the powers at my dispense I might as well be an Intermediate Rank 2, the only difference is that I don't have enough power in my body to finish breaking through the layers." Pan said annoyingly, and it's understandable, she had the powers of a intermediate rank 2 but couldn't properly utilize them because of her low amount of energy.

"As for innate abilities...

' Innate abilities are thing that a person or beast are born with, all beasts are born with an innate ability, the only difference is that some are capable of unlocking their innate power while others are never able to in their whole life.

Humans on the other hand are almost never born with innate abilities, those that are, are one in one hundred million of a chance to develop them and an even lesser chance to survive infancy since when a human is born with innate abilities it is unlocked since birth, putting a massive strain on the body.

The only ways for a beast to improve their innate ability is to use it more often, become more intimate, practice and garner better control over it, making it have more uses, or they can try eating natural treasures or medicines to directly improve the ability, however these treasures are extremely rare an innate powered human being born has a higher chance than one of these miracle medicines or natural treasures being found.'

"So that's that! Looks like the both of us are a couple of abominations." Pan said smiling and exhausted smile, since all this book did was tell them how much an abnormality the both of them are, not really telling them anything.

"We've arrived." Chaos said in a low voice walking out of the forest.