The Road of Conquest

The moment that Chaos stepped out of the forest all of the villagers in the tribe moved towards them with an aggressive stance, the adults and women in the front with the kids in the back wielding bows, staying a offensive stance like a predator waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Then an elder of the village came walking out, cane in hand, wrinkles like the ocean tide at sunset, "What are you doing here at our village?" He said in an aggressive tone.

"We have come here to subjugate all of you for the Raila Kingdom not to far from here, please surrender, and no one will have to get hurt." Chaos said sympathetically, as he understood if they don't stand down he will be forced to strike and take them down forcefully.

"We follow only the strong, if you wish to take this village then prove you are worthy of her and her people!" The elder said, from behind him the Low Rank 1 come sauntering out, haughty and arrogant showing off his small pressure.

"Then if I beat him all of you will submit?" Pan said coldly, getting off of Chaos and untying the sack from her Warhammer, slowly walking forward.

"Heh, if you can beat me I'll even become your slave, now show me what you got girly!" The man said in an indignant tone at Pan's provocation.

Charging straight forward he swing out his fist directly towards Pan's face, but despite this Chaos did not move, and instead of anxiety in his eyes, there was a look of pity.

"Too slow." It was only when his fist was an inch from her face that she moved, her Warhammer splitting the air and smashing into the mans side, sending him flying, breaking several tree's before stopping.

"Have I won?" She asked, her face cold as ice, the warmth had left the moment other peopled appeared.

"Yes, and with that you are now our new Chieftain!" The elder who spoke before took the initiative to kneel and show their subservience, and one by one after that the others too put down their weapons and knelled, "Chieftain!" they all spoke out simultaneously.

The man from before too came limping over, one hand holding onto his side, "Master, My humble name is Kuren." He said shakily, keeping to his word.

"We are heading to the next weakest village in the area, this will be the gathering area, all of you get your supplies in order and ready the village for newcomers, Kuren, you will be in charge of the proceeding in my absence, also what is the name of this village?" Pan said fluently all in one breath, giving out all of her orders and decisions immediately leaving no room for discussion.

"This village is called, Kaerun village, it belonged to my ancestors." He said explaining why his name was so similar to the name of the village in the same breath.

Nodding Pan jumped back onto Chaos' back and crossed out this red dot on the map heading towards the next one nearby, this dot clearly double the previous ones size.

With the time it takes to get their it'll be mid-day once they arrive.

Once they had reached far enough from the village Pan let out a huge breath and slumped onto Chaos' back, "That was harder than I thought looking all tough!"

"You did really good, even I was scared for a second." Replied Chaos teasingly with a happy atmosphere.

With the nice atmosphere and the back and forth chatter they arrived at the next village in no time, the aura here clearly showed that their was a Intermediate Rank 1 warrior living inside of the village, observing the entire place for an hour the village has around 65 to 70 villagers inside with 22 of them being children and teens.

Doing things a bit differently from before once Chaos had left the forest before the villagers could form up Pan spoke, "I am a Commander of the Raila Kingdoms, princess' Retinue, and I come to challenge the head warrior for command of this village!" She said in a loud voice infused with a small amount of her energy shaking the surrounding Rank 0 people.

It was then that a more powerful sounding voice also rang out through the village, "I am the Head warrior, Farrakhan, and I accept your challenge!" This time thee man carried a long ax, like the great ax Pan had been using before but with a longer blade going half way down the handle.

"Good, let's begin!" This time Pan took the lead charging towards her opponent, the man adopted a defensive stance ready to block any strikes holding his ax diagonally in front of him.

But it was this man's bad luck that she had used a great ax before and thus has an adept understanding of the holes inside of such a stance and how to attack it efficiently and quickly.

Because of this the man who was one rank higher than her was defeated in a few minutes time, during which he had tried utilizing his energy to release a wind blade at Pan but ultimately failed since she had the wind fruit symbol formed already and wind elements weaker than her own were destined to be dispersed before reaching her.

With her Warhammer half a millimeter way from touching down on Farra's head Pan spoke, "You lose." Speaking so she turned around and jumped onto Chaos' back.

"You will all move to Kaerun village, the people there are already under my command, be ready we move in half an hour, we must arrive back there before the night arrives!" Speaking so on top of Chaos' back she put away her Warhammer and re-tied the bag of books, moving into the forest to patrol the area for the time being, leaving everyone in the village to prepare.

Outside of the village her entire body slumped once again, this time completely lying on Chaos' back, "I don't know how much longer I can keep doing that, it's so hard being so cruel." She said feeling bad about forcefully subjugating and moving these people who had done nothing to her before.

At this Chaos smiled, "You have always been so kind, and naive, didn't you see the way they were standing in formation they were used to this sort of thing, it's their way of life, one can just enter and challenge their head warrior openly, and if you defeat them your now chieftain? Their way of life, is the way of death, you've simply complied to it, and you didn't kill anyone, making you better than them, them being under your command is their blessing." Chaos finished saying by rubbing his head against Pan, licking her a few times.

"You're right, your right." Pan said smiling with a happy expression on her face.

Like this they stayed on the outskirts of the village until the half an hour had passed then returning, everyone ready and loaded with all of their things, the amount of time to reach Kaerun village with this many people and all of their possessions would undoubtedly increase, 'if they hurry they can make by night fall.' Thought Chaos nervously, the entire moving thing is dangerous at this time but required.

"We move out now." Pan said coldly, urging Chaos to take the lead in the caravan.

Along the way several people were ambushed and attack by weak beasts from bushes and tree's, but these barbarian people are very clearly accustomed to the way of the forests and their surroundings, only a few receiving minor injuries.

By the time they had reached back to Kaerun village night had fallen and the torches in the village were lit as well as the gates closed.

"Open up!" Pan said, infusing her power, her voice echoing into the village, immediately several people came out of their houses, these people being the elder, Kuren and a few other strong men.

"Chief, you're back safe, this is good." The elder said whilst the strong men opened the gate and took positions to protect the rear of the caravan.

"Master, you're back, come inside quickly, the beasts come out at this time, the attacks should be coming soon." Stepping out of the background Kuren spoke out anxiously, urging them all to come inside.

"We move." She said going inside the village with everyone else in tow.

The insides of the village having changed drastically since they left earlier during the day, the villagers had cut down a portion of the forest around them building small houses able to fit three to five people inside of each one.

They built twelve of these such houses, able to house a maximum of 60 people, and for the rest of the accommodation their were large tents, since they did not have enough time to build anything better.