
In the palace, Roland was discussing something with three principal of the academies..(The Tanshi academy, Dragon Den academy and Flex academy)

"Head master's i have already discussed things with the other kingdoms. Soon affinity based academy will be established where 8 year or older children from all around the world will be studying..The Academy base will be establishing in the czar itself with three of you as the center.. you three will be head masters of the academy and i will be its chairman, the academy will be divided in three layers.. outer layers where everyone will study(new students), they will receive less attention and resources, then the inner layer where the stronger ones will be studying(Warrior level or higher level), they will receive more resources and elders will attend them personally and whoever is showing progress can be taken as disciples by the elders and then core layer where only the royal families and nobles will be studying for now..(Roland wanted to give a bit priority to then to give the other kingdom some face) " Roland said while talking a sip from his tea and looking at three

Head masters.

"your majesty its would be unfair to judge them based on their talents, its hard work that matters.. we can set exams and based on how they perform we will place them in the layers." said one Head master while stroking his white beard. Since when he was child he had only

normal grade and reached all the way up to head master post by his hardwork and determination. Countless people consider him idol and motivation..

"your majesty i think judging by the talent is fair enough but with talent there should be hardwork too, so i agree with Head master Moe about the entrance exam." said Headmaster Nova while looking at Roland.

"Your majesty i also feel the same way" said Head master Zema.

"hmmm, so lets do it your way, there will be an entrance test that we will be holding, and based on how they perform we will give them placing " said Roland after a deep thought.

"we will be announcing this new soon. So be prepare for the construction as well the staffs, after 2 years we will be opening the academy" said Roland as he adjourning the meeting..

Soon the new spread all over the world and countless people in hopes of achieving a position in the academy started to prepare..while the people who are far away prepared to start their journey towards the Kingdom zelda.(Each kingdom had telepathy based devices which could be used for communication but that device could only be handled by telepathy affinity talents which was rare).....

Somewhere far way from the kingdom:

"hmmm?? academy ? countless geniuses attending it?? Kingdom zelda?? i hope this academy wont disappoint me" said a guy enjoying his tea and a paper in his hand.

at some other place..

a figure could be seen sitting on a mountain of corpse, his face covered with blood and a badly damaged paper in his hand.

"A academy for geniuses?? i guess it would be interesting"

Same cases happened at lots of different places where every genius desired to go to that academy to search for their rivals or prey..

"huhhhhh?? an academy again?? why that fool mustache wants to open one more academy ? and opening date is also after 2 years ? that means i will also have to attend that F**##ng academy. "said Marvis

when he heard the news. he was not happy with one more academy since right now he was having enough trouble with just the junior academy. he thought that after he gets his affinity checked he will go on a long journey like laxus.

but his Father(Fool mustache) ruined his plan.. how could he be happy?

Suddenly he had a thought which made him smile, This smile was so terrifying that pass byres started to avoid him...he then slowly walked towards the palace.

"Who's there ? stop immediately!!" said a guard holding a spear to Marvis.

"I am Fourth prince's friend here to play with him" said Marvis as he didn't stopped and moved towards the door.

"Hmmm? i said stop immediately, even if you are fourth prince's friend you have to show the invitation" the guard moved to stop Marvis but suddenly stopped as soon as he saw the token in marvis hand.

"Its really hard even to enter my own home .. i will next time tell them to make some secret codes which will allow me to pass.. like ummm!!! abra kadabraa gili gili.. chuuu!!! or haraka baraka hululu hulu!! or Vinnn ga deyam lavi oosaaaa " Thought Marvis as he reach his mother's room..

Right outside his mothers room, his aura changed, from a dominant aura it turned into mild aura as he tried to bring tears in his eyes which was clearly not working, he then put his finger in mouth and applied the saliva onto his eyes to make them look moist.

and rubbed his cheeks to make them red. and then entered the room..

"MOOOTTTHHEEERR!!! WAAAAAAIIIIIIII " he started to cry falling into mothers embrace..

Nora panicked when she heard Marvis cry and asked him with her face full of worry.

"MOTHHEERRR I DON"T WANT TO GO TO ACADEMY ... After age coming ceremony also i have to join another academy.. i don't want to go WWAAAAAAIIIIII"

Nora gently stroke her hand above his head and said:

"If you go academy you will be protected as well as learn a lot of new things which will help you grow strong"

After a long talk, Marvis thought it was right time to strike and said:

"Mother i just want to be a normal kid, i understand the importance of knowledge and i promise i will attend the academy after 2 years but Mother right now i want to see our kingdom i want to roam and have fun, so please mother let me go and have some fun roaming the kingdom please"

with a Puppy face Marvis waited for his Mothers confirmation..

"its dangerous to go anywhere marvis .. but i will allow only if you take two or three hundred guards with you then only i will allow" said Nora

Marvis was clearly having trouble now. how could three hundred guards will let him have his fun and enjoy his 2 years hard earned freedom. suddenly he had an idea and said:

"Mom why we need guards, Guardian will be protecting me all the time" said marvis, he risked everything with his one move..

"hmmm i will have to talk to your father about it" said Nora

Marvin knew it was a bulls eye. In his family Roland was the head figure but that was only for outside.. actual head was his mother.. since his mother agreed that means its done..

Two days later Marvis said his goodbyes to family as he moved towards his journey. he was carrying a huge bag on his back. The bag was six times larger than he was.. His mother packed everything that was "necessary" for him in his journey.

(before one reach his affinity age they cannot use spatial items) as he reached outskirts of kingdom, he put down his luggage, opened his eyes and shouted loudly: