
Far away from Kingdom czar, in a forest a figure could be seen camping, he took a huge bite from the roasted meat he was eating, near him was a small lake, trees surrounding it, truly a beautiful place.,the only thing that was odd about this place is that except the person and two camel in front of him. not even single living being could be seen.

"its been 1 and half year that i left my house, i wonder how everyone is doing" said Marvis as he ate the meat.. His face was sharp and black eyes made him look really mysterious, his hair was messy and long, Still it gave a mature look but he was buck naked . full body was covered with dirt.

"what two of you think ? do i look smart?" said Marvis looking at two camels siting near him.

Camels clearly rolled their eyes when they heard it..probably thinking" smart?? my @$$ !! if u look smart the donkey's will be the king of smartness"

"huuhhhh???" Marvis looked at the two camel's with a cold look

The camels started to sweat when they saw Marvis and started to nod their head...

Seeing their reaction marvis smiled in satisfaction.

"you two are really good partners(slave) i want to keep you guys together with me forever " said Marvis, as soon as he said that camels face turned white and started shivering in fear but marvis said something which made them excited and relieved.

"but too bad i have to leave soon, i cannot bring u guys with me since i have to act low key in the capital"

These camels where not normal camels , they have very beautiful brown hairs and a single prefect hump on their back .. it is said that these camels were only known in legends, as they had bloodline of unicorn in them. Each one of them cost around million gold coins or may be much more, it would not be wrong to say they are priceless..

"ok its time for me to leave if i want to reach the capital" said Marvis as he started to give a speech to two dumbfounded camels. Marvis reluctantly left the place waving his hand towards the camel as he disappeared.

Two camels didnt moved for at least few hours, in fear that Marvis will come back.. but when they saw no one was coming back they cheered loudly and started dancing.. soon enough a huge shadow could be seen in the lake which slowly looked around the surrounding and when it noticed Marvis was gone it started to celebrate too. soon the whole lake side filled with animals and beasts, prey and hunters all celebrating together.

it was a year ago when marvis came here near the lake side and soon fell in love with this place.. he played(bullied) with all the animals and beasts and had enjoyed all his time here.. but it was only him that was enjoying , all the beast felt he was a devil with all the things he had done. he made the land animals swim in the lake and the fishes to crawl on land. He made rabbits fly(throwed into the sky) which never came back..

He made all the animals give a parade like a soldier and salute each time they saw him. Saluting was okay for some animals which had hands like monkeys but for deer and horses it was impossible.

Marvis would declared them rebels and beat the hell out of all the animals who couldn't salute..

It was heaven defying for how these animals could salute. but they learned to do that. worst case happened to the large beast in the lake. it was the size of whale. Marvis was not interested in that beast at first but soon enough he had an idea of how it would be living inside a beast and literally tried to drill into the beasts skin. chunks and chunks of hole could be seen on the large beasts back, because of Marvis trying to drill.

The beast was lucky that he could dive underwater which saved him otherwise up until now he would have been already dead...For lots of people forest was a place filled with danger but for Marvis it was just another day for his enjoyment.

Marvis reached a village after a month of travel, the people in the village were all very warm and friendly which made marvis very happy and he decided to camp there for some days..

"Big brother can u teach me how to fight?" asked an innocent kid when Marvis was playing with others...Everyone knew who adventurer were, they travel everywhere, hunt beasts for living and most importantly were strong.

the villagers knew Marvis was an adventurer when they saw him.. even though he was covered in dirt ... because it was impossible for a weak children to be here alone..there were countless forest surrounding this place.

Marvis now had a white jade like face and smooth hair till his shoulder and was wearing clean clothes" he decided to teach these childrens for one month before continuing his journey..

after a month Marvis moved towards the capital.. he now had a clean cloth and looked very dashing and with a grass in his mouth he continued his journey..

"Finally i arrived! Mother, father, brothers i am finally home!!" said a figure who appeared near the capital with an old man.

"Master you should head back first i have something to do and will join you later" said the figure to the old man. Old man nodded his head as he vanished..the figure had a very beautiful face, someone even might mistakenly think its a women.a very beautiful and jade like skin.. his brows were perfectly sharp and air of royalty surrounded around him..

"Now then how should i make my entrance ? how should the all mighty Laxus should let others know that i the third prince of Zelda kingdom has arrived" said the Laxus while deep in his thought..

Laxus Sama is finally back..