Entrance of Third Prince Laxus

The capital Czar is divided into four section, outer section is were the people lived, middle section was were market, business streets and shop's were located and upper section was where rich people or nobles lived, palace was located in the core section which was surrounded by military bases ..

Even though the kingdom was really big, there was not much conflict between rich and poor.. everyone was happy, and the main reason for that was the rules that were same for everyone, there was no nobles or rich or poor discrimination.. poor worked, while rich paid thats how the system worked, each one dependent on one another but crimes and bad apples couldn't be

taken out.. there was some cases where nobles or rich had conflict with the poor .. while in front of public they cannot do anything, riches can still pull some strings from behind..poor was still on the losing side since they cannot fight back, so the public created unions where they will gather together and fight back with the rich.. King took these things really seriously and approved these Unions which cause many nobles to be dissatisfied while the whole kingdom cheered because of this no nobles mess with the poor or vice versa..Kingdom of zelda was the only kingdom where even commoner could proudly walk in front of noble..

Today many people were arriving at the capital for the admission in the academy.. only one month had left for the entrance exam and registration was already open..

"Sister do you think there will be cute guys in the academy" asked a princess to her sister

"Lula you cannot judge one base on their appearance only, they should be strong too , godly handsome and godly strong!!" said another princess while imagining her prince charming

"Bob what you think i will be ranked in the Entrance test" asked a guy to his butler, and the butler replied :

"if young master is to take it seriously he will no doubt be first ranked" hearing this the young master let a satisfied smile while nodding his head..

The whole capital was fulll of these kind of people and even some terrifying person too..

Two ladies who just arrived in the capital were shopping here and there as they saw someone near them and shouted

"aaaaahhhhhhh" the shout was so loud that it could be heard by everyone in the inner section. the whole place looked into that direction and they also had same kind of reaction

A figure could be seen on a beautiful white horse, he had a wonderful face and long hairs, as he horse moved with elegance, sparks could be seen flying from its toes, The figure was wearing a white color rob with golden lace covering it and a sword covered with gems as the figure held his hand toward the ladies to help them standup and then climbed back on the horse, the figure was clearly Laxus .. The whole bustling area went silent looking at the scene..The two ladies left like it was their prince charming who came to take them.

"I need to be saved from myself sometimes" said Laxus while sighing, which could be heared by everyone..and flicked his hair with a hand.. sparkles could be seen flying while he did that.

The whole area went wild after that.. screams of ladies could be heard..

"My Prince!! My charming prince has finally arrived" said some ladies from the crowd...

Laxus looked towards them and gave a charming smile and winked . o_ - ..

which causes the crowed went berserk again .. some of the ladies fell down. where most of them were holding there hand onto their heart which was beating wildly..everything went wild, some old generation who saw this felt speechless, as they know who he was and even felt little proud that this was their prince.(such was the common people in this kingdom, truly happy with the king and the royal family)

While everything was in chaos, guards came to handle the situation..

"Who's causing all these ruckus" said a guard using an amplification magic, which bought every one to their sense. and when they again looked towards Laxus, he was already gone!!

"who was that guy? how could be such a man exist in this world" said one guy looking at the empty space with jealously..

"ahhh!!! i know him, he is the Third Prince of Zelda, i heard he was coming back for the entrance exam" said another person which cause everyone's jealous to turn into admiration.

"My charming Prince is coming for exam?? thank you god for sending me for the exam.. thank you dad for forcing me to come here thank you....." a girl nearly thanked each and every ancestor of hers which made it possible for her to exists...

"it really deserved to be call one of the top kingdoms even such handsome man could be seen here" said a guy looking at the empty place where laxus vanished. others who heard it couldnt help but nod their head.

"i heard the two elder Prince are also very handsome" said a girl while she was in deep thoughts..This again cause everything chaotic.. Ladies were excited while the guys felt pressure...

"There is one more prince who should be equally handsome but no one has ever seen him" said another person.. which again cause ladies to become extremely excited while the guys were about to lose hope.

Somewhere is outer section, a guy was walking towards stable with a brush and bucket of water in his hand, which felt down of his hand as soon as he entered the stable.

"Where is my beautiful white horse " he shouted