Base Building – 1

(Vladmir's POV)

I look at the lifting weights in the ground of the training room. I extend my hand, concentrating like in the method engraved in my mind by god. I feel a tug in my mind, as if my brain had directly created a new limb.

The weights start to vibrate, as if gaining new life. Slowly, three of the five lift of the ground, floating. Telekinesis, my new power. God has gifted me the power present in the universe of StarCraft. Psychic powers.

I can train them, and I start with telekinesis. As my first supernatural power, I shall train it really well. I also move forward on my training. I have a personal gun as well, a wide selection. From normal assault rifles to pistols of several models, even some ancient, such as a revolver and a few models of flintlocks.

Of course, the ammo for them is infinite, produced right here, at my personal base. I try out some of the weapons to get used to shooting, mainly the assault rifles form the StarCraft universe, as they are bigger and heavier, as well having more firepower.

I also do some muscle training. I need to make this little body to become bigger and stronger, firing the rifles almost dislocated my arm. As I lift some weight, the message the crystals were depleted arrive to me. Well, that was fast.

I order the rest of the SCVs to go and collet the gas, that I shall baptize Earthen Gas for now on, or EG for shorts. It shouldn't take long to take all of it, there isn't much to be taken. The good thing about StarCraft is that troops are to be mass produced to overrun the enemy forces as fast and as hard as possible.

That's why everything is so cheap in mana crystals. The troops are meant to be mass produced, something that puts me at advantage in this primitive world. Monsters can't cut through metal, although they are strong enough to kill a human easily the armor of the marines wouldn't suffer a dent.

Alright, time to follow up the plan I order the construction of barracks to one of the SCVs and continue training. It should take up one hour of my time. I don't have to worry much about the production, the cost fore one marine is one hundred units, so one hundred marines is a thousand units.

I have seven thousand units. As for the crystals, why there are mana crystals in the surface… they are quite common when mana underground simply explodes up, creating a crystalline formation of condensed mana that is normally, a mutable energy in scientific terms.

These deposits appear everywhere all the time in place with high concentrations of mana. After a few minutes, I decide to stop working out for the day. It's okay to work out and train, but I'm on a tight schedule. I only did this because I had some leeway, so for now I'll train my psychic powers as much as I can.

I get out of the bath and walk naked to my room/control room with three metal spheres floating around me taking some of my concentration. I'm getting the hang of this. The temperature of the small and modern room is on the perfect side of warm.

I get to the computer and turn it on for the first time. Of course, I say computer, but it's a big console with a lot of buttons and functions, and even a joystick to pilot the Command Center. There are also several screens, like in a sci-fi movie. There's also a window showing the outside on the wall my bed is situated. Of course, I choose to keep it black as the glass changes color with my command on the panel in the wall.

The screen lights up in a light blue, and a woman's face appears in the screen. Her voice is nice and soft, quite to my tastes.

(Lexa): "Welcome, Commander Grigori, I'm the artificial intelligence that is given to you to act as your personal assistant. What is that you wish?"

(Vladmir): "Make a scan as wide as you can of the area in search of mana crystal formations and Earth Gas spots. Make the scan only to the south and east, I don't want anything inside the kingdom. If you can cut off the anything on the opposite directions would be lovely, I also hope that can boost your distance."

(Lexa): "Will do, Commander."

I out on some pants and walk to the cantina. I love the burgers here. Taking a bite, feeling the tomatoes and bacon, I go back to my room and get another metal sphere, making four floating around me. Yes, I'm getting he hang of this.

It's quite a different sensation, like having extra hands. Fortunately, I'm quite dexterous with mine, so it isn't that much of a hard sensation to grasp and control. It's like having more flexible fingers. God also gave me quite the gift on them, so I doubt I'll have any difficulties on that.

I sit in front of the computer with a half-finished burger in hands. The scan is rolling nicely. I take another bite as I take some time to read some stuff on the computer. Go was quite generous to install several games on the memory, as well give me access to the internet of my world, although I can't post or upload anything.

A shame, what I'm doing right here would give off quite a novel. The news of my death are also quite great, creating a separated news article about the place crashing. Oh my, quite the way to die. Sincerely, I hold no attachment to my previous life as Vladmir the gamer.

I consider myself a third person, a byproduct of the fusion of Lucas and the original Vladmir. Right now, I have my priorities and my objectives. The first, is survival. Through my new powers, that will be easy as long I have the troops.

Second, raise my own powers. Even if I have an army, I won't have them on my pockets all the time. I need power to survive by myself in the hardest situations. Finally, third, raise an nation for God as he asked me. After all, everything that I have now I own him.

I finish my burgher and throw the paper in the incinerator. I guess I'll eat pizza later. As I check a few things on the internet, the building of the barracks was done. I immediately order one hundred marines.

The amazing thing is how fast they are built. In mere two hours, I'll have all of them. If I buy them in bulk, the time is halved considerably. I gather the floating balls in my hand as I watch some videos on YouTube, practicing my control making the balls move in a complex manner, as well moving as fast I can make them move.

Precise control is important. As the two hours approach, I get dressed. The clothes here are quite good. I put on a pair of black pants, black heavy boots with socks, a white shirt and a black long coat, as well black leather gloves.

I leave the metal balls here and walk outside with a pistol in its holster tied to my belt on my right, as I am right-handed. I'm standing in front of the barracks, and the marines are marching out of the barracks in four lines of twenty-five soldiers.

When they get out, they salute me. I salute them as well, and say out loud:

(Vladmir): "Welcome, soldiers, to the First Command. I'm your supreme commander, Marshal Vladmir Grigori. We are all in a mission here, and that is to stablish a base. However, our current location is not appropriated for a permanent base. Therefore, we will not stay here for long.

As soon as the scans are done, we will relocate to an appropriate location. Unfortunately, the region will be most likely a unhabited and hostile location. Our enemies will be the local wildlife, but they won't be much of a threat unless they have quite the size.

Therefore, I will divide you guys in for units. Each unit will guard the base for a period of six hours starting from midday of today. This will be all. In your free time, feel free to return to your rooms in the barracks. Better rooms will be given when we stablish a permanent base. That's all, feel free to rest until midday in one hour."

(Marines): "Yes Sis!"

After that, I select the marines to their units and return to the command center. Lexa's scan should be done by now.