Base Building – 2

(Vladmir's POV)

(Lexa): "Commander, the scan is completed."

(Vladmir): "Excellent. Are the results promising?"

I ask as I enter the room, sitting on the chair. Lexa wared me as soon as I arrived in front of my room's door. On the screen, she is showing a map from our location to the direction that I ordered her to scan, covering the large distance of 700 kilometers.

The best thing about this world is that it's still isn't fully explored. 70% of this continent where I am is still unexplored, and the city where Lucas lived was on the border of the explored area. Therefore, from here, it's nobody's land. Of course, from his memories, I know that there are rumors of beastman living there, exiled from the human kingdoms.

Now that everything is ready, I send an to the SCVs scrap the refinery and after that to return to the Command Center. After they are done, I recall the marines to the barracks and operate the console of the computer, ordering both buildings to lift off.

After all, they are both literal flying ships. Both shake, and lift off the ground, starting to fly. They are moderately slow for flying ships, but they still move around 60 kmph. This will be enough for this base to move quickly.

The destination is something that Lexa detected right at the edge of the detection range, a great deposit of mana crystals. Enough to last for some time, as well a good geographical location to stablish a defensible base.

A steep, lonely cliff. It was most likely created due some magical incident, as there are a lot of mana crystals on the base, enough to supply me for a while and creating a large army. There are a lot of monsters, but we will arrive still inside my ward time limit.

The good thing about the SCVs is that they not only can build the facilities quick, they can build anything in normal time. That means that I will be able to build an actual wall for defense, and prepare a military city.

The area has a great concentration of mana, so it means that it has a lot of monsters. to get there, it will take around ten hours, a bit more than that. Therefore, I will go back to training my telekinesis while I go there.

(meanwhile, into the unexplored area, 3° person POV)

The recently built village rests under the falling sun. still, people wander around, doing their everyday things. Finishing their jobs in the farm, tending to the cattle, hammering the nails and other menial tasks.

However, something peculiar about these people, all of them have animal ears and tails on them. Beastman, as the rumors said, exiled form the human kingdoms. They exist in several animal forms, according to humans, the result of fornication with monsters thousands of years ago.

However, the truth is that they are descendants of spirits. The story will be left for later, explained by a certain woman to a certain boy while in a dim room in a near future. A little girl, around ten or so, walks back home with a basket in hands, filled with fruits.

She small, with tanned skin and white, fluffy hair starting to grow beyond her shoulders. She has a cute face with golden eyes, above her head, two large triangular ears and a big fluffy tail sways behind her waist, characteristic of wolves. She is a young girl of the white wolf tribe, one of the rarest types. As one of the rarest types, she is quite cute.

She gets to her home, the house of the village chief that was recently built. She enters, saying out loud:

(wolf-girl): "Sis! I'm home!"

(wolf-sis): "Welcome home, Suna!"

Says a more mature voice. The owner of the voice soon appears, a girl in her early twenties or late teens. Her skin is a bit darker, like that of milk coffee, contrasting with her pure white, fluffy white hair and shining golden eyes. Her face is quite similar to her younger sister, and she has a wild feeling to her, with a voluptuous body full of live, mainly big breasts.

Her height is around 1,70, and she seems athletic and soft at the same time, dressed in shorts and a simple shirt.

(Suna): "Sis Luna, here, take something to eat!"

Smiled her younger sister, offering the basket to her sister. She smiled and grabbed an apple, petting her little sister's head.

(Luna): "Did you have gun outside?"

(Suna): "Yes! Everybody is doing well since we left Hara Kingdom."

She said, remembering the running away from the slave dealers. They ran for days, traveled for long, avoiding towns and villages. Eventually they settled here after stealing supplies from humans, as well tools for farming and construction. By luck, they found an iron ore deposit near the surface where they get their metal.

There are some dangers, like the Lonely Peak, where a lot of Mana Crystals grow, attracting a lot of monsters. The father of both girls, the village chief, is out at the moment, checking out the area. He should be back in two days time after making sure that the monsters won't invade, and if they do, to prepare to defend the small town.

(at the same time, in the Command Center, Vladmir's POV)

The giant block of metal slowly goes to the ground, landing softly., it should weight at least half a ton. My psychic powers are growing at alarming speed. A few hours ago, I could barely lift fifty kilos, but now I can lift ten times that weight. This is amazing.

It's hard, it feels like my mind is about to explode when I get to my limits. Well, every time that happens, my limits expand. Even my precision is great, I can use five assault rifles at the same time purely with my mind.

This training room is also awesome, it can create everything that I need to train. At distance, five wooden scarecrows are standing one hundred meters away from me. I move my hand in their general direction, and they shatter as if rammed by something powerful. The pieces fell to the ground, being collected by spider cleaner robots.

I sigh. I can already kill a person easily. I've also dabbed into precognition and sensing my surroundings. I can somewhat make out objects behind me, as well feel if something is moving in a certain radius that has yet to be fully tested, with the minimum of 500 meters.

I also can instinctively feel projectiles coming to me in any direction. It happened naturally during the training with some robots capable of shooting soft balls at high speeds. I can most likely avoid the first five bullet without needing to focus at all.

I want to learn astral projection as soon as possible to be able to explore the world outside without getting out of the base at all. I raise my right hand and look at it, focusing as hard as I can. My head starts to ache, and after a few minutes, the cracking sound of electricity is faintly audible, as small blue rays of electricity appear between my fingers.

I stop, my nose bleeding. Alright, time for a break now. This is sign that my head won't last long if I continue. I stagger to the medical bay in search of some painkillers for my head that feels like exploding. I finally started to dabble into electrokinesis, but it's still too taxing.

As I gobble down two pills, Lexa's voice sounds off from the loudspeakers.

(Lexa): "Commander, we are approaching the location. Several hostiles in the vicinity, recommending caution."

I take a quick bath before going to my room while speaking.

(Vladmir): "Any way to differentiate them? Any kind of energy signature?"

(Lexa): "The bigger signals contain larger amounts of mana, and the small ones have lesser amounts of mana."

(Vladmir): "Show me in units in the screens."

She quickly calculates my wish and shows the results in screen. Let me see… the ones of the size of wolves have fifty units and the bigger ones have more than a hundred, even some with more than seven hundred.

(Vladmir): "Start a classification, I want the ones with fifty or less to be classified as class zero, no marine should face more than five alone until we secure the danger that they pose to them. Above that to one hundred as class one and there forward for every one hundred points.

For each class, add two marines as basic to face the creature. Until we know the actual threat, I don't want any injuries. Lexa, keep an eye for any signatures above class seven. If so, warn me immediately, we are going to land. Put me on open communication with the marines."

She opens the communication, sounding of fan alarm in the barracks.

(Vladmir): "Attention all troops, to you suits. We will engage on combat as soon as we land. The enemies are hostile monsters of unknown power. They will be classified and send to your HUDs. Stick to your partners and don't die. If you're injured, immediately retreat behind friendly lines. Unit one, all of you will be following me as bodyguard, two three and four, you will be send to patrol around and clear anything that you can. That's all till further orders."

I say as I press a button to end the communication. Taking the cue, I also take the gauntlet that was lying on the console. It has a scree on the forearm, it will serve as a control for my units as well communication with Lexa and my army. I put it on my left arm.

With that, from the gauntlet, touching the screen, I order the landing of the buildings. I should take a few more cartridges. I have the sensation that I will need the extra ammo.