If You Want to Play, Come Back Tomorrow

What was the point of practicing martial arts and cultivating?

Warriors could live up to several hundred years, and cultivators could live for thousands of years. If given the choice, who would want to see themselves senile and powerless?

At his old age, being able to become a strong young man in his prime was something that even ancient sages failed to achieve, let alone Nalan Hongwu.

No wonder he couldn't control his emotions.

After almost an hour.

Those playing in the internet café were all youngsters or middle-aged people; no one had ever seen elders here.

This made An Cheng and the others curious, so they glanced over in Nalan Hongwu's direction.

"Elder, you've been playing for so long, but why haven't you used your attribute points?"

"Elder, your skill points aren't used. Didn't you use any skills while playing?"