
Nalan Jie was walking through an extremely secluded underground tunnel located outside Jiuhua City.

The tunnel was dark and damp, without a speck of light. Flames would automatically die in here without enough oxygen.

"Elder Young Master." The gentle and masculine voice of a man echoed from the darkness. "That thing is not easy to control; are you really going to use it?"

"Phantom Snakes are perfect for assassinations and make great chess pieces. We train soldiers for a thousand days but only need them for one day, right? I spent years raising it and used so much of my resources. What's the point of doing all that if I don't use it to my advantage?" A gloomy voice replied, "If something really goes wrong, it's just a demon beast that went crazy and has nothing to do with us!

"Moreover, it really is a crazy demon beast!" That voice continued, "We'll let the owner of that little shop test out its sharp fangs. Those who interfere with my plans must die!"