Great! We Can Beat the Shop Owner Soon

Fang Qi picked up chalk and added a new game on the small blackboard: [Counter Strike: six crystals]

Hearing that they could beat the shop owner in the game, people got hooked. They even made a game with this feature?!

People like An Huwei looked at each other, thinking that if they joined hands, they could beat the owner senseless.

"We can do that..." Xiao Yulv stroked his chin while he imagined the scene in which the crowd beat the shop owner. He yelled immediately, "All members of our group will join the game!"

"We don't need you to speak for us!" Su Tianji gave him a dirty look.

"However..." With Yueru's death in her game, Su Tianji needed to vent her anger on someone. "This damned shop is to blame for the tragic ending of my Ling and Yueru! It sounds good to give the shop owner a good beating!"