Another Big Gun

"Good aim!" The people watching the game felt startled when they saw the shots from Nalan Hongwu and others.

Some of them had seen guns before while others didn't; Ye Songtao belonged to the second group. He felt amazed, wondering, This spiritual artifact seems easier to use than crossbows, and it can shoot continuously!

For Nalan Hongwu, the pistol was just like a crossbow. After all, the Nalan Family was famous for their Immortal-Slaying Crossbows, which explained why he got used to his weapon so quickly!

Using it as an Immortal-distinguishing Crossbow, Nalan Hongwu had quickly gotten the hang of it!

Nalan Mingxue and Lan Yan could use guns with proficiency since they played Resident Evil. On the other hand, Li Haoran, An Huwei, and Su Tianji were cultivators with basic knowledge of guns and great combat experience. Their aims wouldn't go off target greatly.