Wind God Kick? Look at my Cloud Expelling Palm!

"Sir! Are there more?" Song Qingfeng howled beside Fang Qi.

"You've watched for almost 6 hours!" Fang Qi rolled his eyes. "Even if there was more, can you finish them?"

"Ugh... You're right!" Song Qingfeng looked embarrassed.

"The fighting styles in Wind and Cloud are quite unique..." Nalan Mingxue murmured, "There're not only powerful combat techniques but exquisite fighting skills similar to the close-range combat skill."

By her side, Lan Yan said, "Yeah. These are more complicated than our fighting styles."

"However, they are more effective." Everyone had seen Nalan Mingxue cautiously combining the close-range combat skill, combat techniques, and the sword control technique when she battled in the national examination. "I'm surprised that the people in Wind and Cloud have been using such well-developed fighting styles."