We Wuwei Daoist Alliance Won’t Attend the Conference!

Lu Wu was the messenger who sent the notifications to the major forces to attend the Cultivation Realm Conference.

Even though he was only a messenger, he enjoyed a high status that ordinary forces must look up to.

After all, the Wuwei Daoist Alliance had lined up to welcome him, and even Alliance Master Lan Mo greeted him personally.

The ancient mythical place, the Cultivation Realm, only allowed cultivators to enter, and warriors weren't allowed. It was a rule that no one could break.

All this was the result of the lofty position of the Three Saint Gates!

- At the Wuwei Daoist Alliance -

"Alliance Master Lan, what's your decision?" Lu Wu narrowed his eyes. He knew he wasn't a patient man since he had many other places to visit. "Have you decided on the candidates and related issues?"

This wasted a lot of his time, and he hated wasting time.

"Ugh..." Lan Mo looked indecisive.