The Senior Has Something Weighing on His Mind

"How about the issue in Jiangnan..."


"Everything is ready, and we just need a trigger!" Ji Wuyou placed a black chess piece on the chessboard.

"In fact, that small shop named Origins did us a favor..." Ji Wuyou said coldly, "It attracted the attention of so many major forces, and they let down their guard. It is quite a feat!"

"Right." A hoarse voice came from the shadows. "Thanks to this small shop, our arrangements in the Jiangnan Region have accelerated by 30 percent!"

"At his great age, he still craves power and doesn't want to give up being the head of the Nalan Family..." Ji Wuyou snickered. "Now, he doesn't have to hand it over. He can take it to the grave with him."

"Your Highness, we have done an investigation of the issue you mentioned." At this moment, a figure in black appeared in the courtyard.
