People Showing off Are Destined to Be Struck by Lightning

[TL Note: This phrase is an internet slang meant to warn people not to show off.]

Fang Qi looked around the room and then at the young man before him.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyue who was sitting next to him, asked, "Who are you? Why do you want us to cancel the competition?"

Fang Qi asked Xue Daolv who was by his side, "Palace Master Xue, are these so-called Three Saint Gates very famous here? They sound lofty with the word 'Saint' in their name, but how come I've never heard of them before?"


"Mr. Fang, should I say that you're ignorant or just playing dumb?" Huo Chong mocked.

Therefore, Xue Daolv had to explain to Fang Qi the background of the Three Saint Gates.

"Three hermit factions?" Fang Qi glanced at them. "Then, why did they come out here?"

Feng Xi's face twitched, and he was about to lose his temper.

At this moment, Lan Mo, the Wuwei Daoist Alliance Master, came in.