
- In the High-Level Artifact Master Communication Group -

Li Haoran: [How come the group is much so quieter today?]

Jun Yangzi, [Most of the people over here are still online, but how come the artifact masters in Half City are so quiet today? @Duan Yue @Artifact Master Yanhua Spiritual Master @Shen Fengzi…]

Jun Yangzi used the symbol '@' to try to contact them, but no one responded.


"Maybe they are busy making artifacts."

"They were making artifacts yesterday, and some of them were still in the group chat."

- Meanwhile in the Heaven-Conforming Tower of the Haoran Faction -

This was the legendary place where a demon was suppressed.

In the past hundreds of years, the Heaven-Conforming Tower had been quiet and solid without any disturbances.

Seeing that they were alone, the elite disciples guarding the tower from the outside were either bored after standing for a long time or stretching their stiff bodies.