This is not Yimu True Flame

"Ahh!" The blood-red crystal suddenly turned into many distorted tentacles, piercing into the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears of the Feng Family Master.

"Old Demon, what are you doing?!" one cultivator of the Feng Family beside him yelled and condensed his spiritual essence to hack toward the tentacles like a sharp blade.

"You want to kill us after using us?!"

"What are we doing?" On the side, Shui Xianyun showed a wicked smile. "Can't you pay this little price for what you want?"

"Feng Jue, don't move!" The old man's white hair was swiftly turning black while his appearance gradually got younger until he looked to be only about 40 years old. The gloomy ghost-like aura that was well hidden grew tremendously strong!

"Family Master… You…" When Feng Zhengyi turned, that cultivator saw his eyes emitting evil light which didn't belong to humans!