Upholding Justice

Even long after Fang Qi had left, the two still couldn't calm down.

The man's name was Li Longyuan, the eldest direct disciple of Xuanzhong Manor. "What do you think of the power of that spiritual spell as compared to those recorded in the ancient documents?"

The woman, Ling Wanyin, was the eldest direct disciple of Yuxu Mountain. She said in surprise, "You mean… No, we've never heard of it before… besides, the teleportation array had been sealed long ago; how could he have come to this continent?"

In the long history, only people of the Three Saint Gates shocked and dominated over others, not the other way around. Even if there were any people who had ever shocked and dominated the Three Saint Gates, they only existed in the secret scrolls of the various factions that recorded the incidents of the ancient times.

[New task: The Power that Shocks the World