The New Items in the Shop

"Hu… You mean you are using this kind of force now?!" Shui Xianyun had been on the 'Instant Noodles Treatment'. After picking up noodles with her chopsticks, she didn't eat but talked about Orochi Divine Light with amazement on her face; she didn't wake up from the amazement until a while had passed.

"Yeah," the Xichi Spiritual Master said with a nod.

"You mean… we can learn it too?"

"Of course. This shop has all kinds of ultimate techniques. The technique that the shop owner used is one of them." The Xichi Spiritual Master drank up the soup of the instant noodles. "I must go now; Yun'er is calling me to play the King of Fighters."


"It doesn't feel right…" Having eaten instant noodles for several days now, Shui Xianyun said in bafflement, "How come both the spiritual essence and the demonic essence in my body are being purified right now? It just removed the impurities from the demonic essence but doesn't get rid of it."