Very Satisfied

- At Xuanzhong Manor and Yuxu Mountain -

The two faction masters have their hands full right now. The elders who clamored to avenge for the Taixi Faction were now surrounded by dozens of masters of various major forces. Despite the elders' high strengths, they were outnumbered. After all, these elders were at the same level of the four elders of the Taixi Faction, Xu, Chen, Cang, and Dao, which meant that they were not extremely powerful.

The elders could play dumb, but the masters of the two saint factions didn't dare to play dumb after hearing these masters recount the whole incident. 

After Duyou Holiness created this scandal by trying to suppress a force, they couldn't possibly butcher all the cultivators on the continent just to shut them up.

After all, as the faction masters of saint factions, it was wise to protect their own factions even though their Daoist friends were killed.