Have to Go to school?

"I didn't know that Xiaoyue had a big brother."

"Strange… How come I never heard of it before?"

"Yeah. They don't look alike…" Everyone looked at the guy before them up and down.

Jiang Xiaoyue immediately selected all the cute pictures of her on the desktop before uploading them into a private folder in QQ.

The icon of QQ, which was a penguin wearing a red scarf, was jumping. She quickly clicked it open and saw that Mr. Fang was still talking to her about the combo and techniques in Devil May Cry. She sent a message to him. [Boss, we'll talk later (Husky's cute face).]

Then, she jumped out from behind the counter.

Not sure about the situation in this shop, Jiang Xuan cut to the point with a solemn expression, "You just slipped out without a word. Do you know that in the past year, our fa…"

He had wanted to say 'His Majesty' but quickly changed to, "How much our Lord Father has been worried about you."