Teach the Black-Hearted Boss a Lesson

In a hurry, Mr. Fang finished his battle with a Boss and finally got the time to reply. [What happened to Xiaoyue? Do you mean someone dares to make a move in my shop? Are you trying to fool me? 😒]

[Someone from Xiaoyue's family is here to take her back and make her to go to school.] Su Tianji sent him an angry face emoji. [How come you know nothing about it?!]

"???" Mr. Fang was baffled. [This girl is at the age to go to school, so it is nothing unusual for her family to take her to school. How come someone scared me, saying that she is being taken away by force?]

"…" Su Tianji froze for a moment, thinking that he had a point.

"No!" Her face turned dark since that she had almost agreed with Mr. Fang. [She will be taken to a place named the Heavenly Academy that I've never heard of before. Xiaoyue doesn't want to go, but her family is determined to take her back anyway.]