Blinded by the sight

According to the rules for the cosplay competition, the participants couldn't transform their faces with an illusion spell. Of course, they were allowed to transform their bodies with the transfiguration spell.

At this moment, a werewolf walked toward the counter.

Meanwhile, two out of three girls at the counter turned and pointed at 'You Ji' who was sitting between them and said, "Gongzi Xiao said that he is ill today, and his little sister will do his work for him today."

"Oh…" Mr. Fang waved his hand. "Tell him to report to me next time."

Then, Mr. Fang saw the werewolf walking toward the counter and muttered in a muffled voice, "Old Xiao has a little sister? I've known him for a long time without hearing him mentioning it."

'You Ji's' face beneath the veil turned dark.

Mr. Fang who had just turned to pour himself a cup of milk tea paused his steps.