E-Sports in this Otherworld

Sitting sedately beside Xiao Yulv, the werewolf opened his wolf muzzle, and a foul odor permeated the air. "Old Xiao, what do you think about that Song Qingfeng? He played the game the longest; do you think he has the potential to get first place?"

"I'm familiar with the King of Fighters." Xiao Yulv regained his confidence when talking about the game. "This game requires cleverness, which means that having played the longest doesn't equal high skills. Besides, there are several others who have played the game as long as he has."

"Duke Nalan is both experienced and talented. Do you think he has the potential to be the champion?" Mu Donglai asked again.

Xiao Yulv shook his head and pointed out, "Old Duke indeed has great battle experience and strength, but he doesn't have any advantage in Qzone."

Mu Donglai asked, "I heard some players in Half City Shop excel in the King of Fighters. Do you think they will take the top places?"