You Want to Take My Communication Jade?

Mist rose in front.

It looked like the surface of the sea under a gloomy drizzle or a distant and fuzzy morning dream.

With a long sword in her hand, the woman wearing the white Daoist robe suddenly stopped walking, and her pretty eyes beneath the bamboo hat looked cold.

Before her, a little girl wearing a white dress and a woman in blue walked deeper into the thin mist.

"What's wrong?!" The people on the Sky-Patrolling Spiritual Ship suddenly stood up, finding the scene created by the spiritual spell that had looked clear begin turning fuzzy as if it was being covered in a thick fog.

The fog got thicker, and finally they could see nothing but white mist. All the surroundings even turned white, let alone the people in it.

"Are there maze arrays among the restriction arrays?" the Baoping Spiritual Master asked, "Who set it?"