Xiaoyue Unleashing Her Power

"Excellent!" The cultivators standing beside Nangong Zhuo was full of excitement and thrill. "This is the Moyun Hand?!"

"The Moyun Hand that can handle anything in the world?! Young Master used this ultimate technique as his first attack; I'm sure that that little girl of the Jiang Family will receive a hard blow!" another cultivator said.

Before he could finish, he saw Jiang Xiaoyue holding the communication jade with one hand while her slim fingers danced on it and put in the message, [Can't chat now. A despicable guy is trying to take my communication jade!]

Meanwhile, her left hand moved in a circle and pushed out like a thunderbolt and a fast ghost, striking with a tremendous force - Tearing Sky and Expelling Clouds, the seventh move of the Cloud Expelling Palm.

An energy hand that could tear open the sky crashed out with vicious force. With a tearing noise, Nangong Zhuo's energy hand full of spiritual essence was instantly torn open!
