Murong Ziying

At this time in the new shop, the elves and some knights, mages, and assassins had come to this part of the game. A few knights of the Golden Griffin Knight Legion and Elder Sewell controlled Yun Tianhe or Han Lingsha, and they stood under the night sky.

Many people stood behind them and watched them play.

At this moment, the players looked up and saw dozens of monsters flying into the high sky while roaring.

The sword energies full of spiritual essence looked extremely bright in the pitch-black sky. More than 50 sword energies danced and surrounded the demon beasts.

The sword energies rotated and then shot across the sky like beautiful shooting stars. The demon beasts howled while the bright white sword energies pierced through their chests.

At this moment, another group of sword energies gathered and merged into a huge dazzling sword. Its radiance blinded people who looked at it directly.