
Mr. Fang's face twitched as he watched from behind. "…"

"Any problem with that?" While playing the game, Helen asked curiously, "Did I do anything wrong?"

Following Yun Tianhe's footsteps, the players began to understand the world from the basics and learned some vague ideas about the things in the world just like the main character.

"Oh… eight hours already passed?" Sala stretched her back in comfort. Meanwhile, many others had also finished their eight hours of playtime today. They sat down on the couches in the lounge area with Sprite or red tea in their hands. Some took the opportunity to buy a mug of Cappuccino or a bag of potato chips.

A large group of players could be seen in the lounge area.

"Ugh? No…" At this moment, Helen exclaimed, "Didn't we agreed to try this new game after breakfast and then go back for training?!"