
The sun slowly set on one side of the valley. The blood-red sunlight seemed to put a blood-colored thin carpet on the previously jade-green valley.

"Roar-!" A ferocious roar rose.

"Mr. Dirk!" With a furious roar, the old orc king broke away from the generals who tried to drag him away, and he shouted, "Guys, we have no way out."

"We'll only survive a few more days by using the terrain advantage of the valley." The orc king's face was concealed by his silver mask, but his ancient voice sounded strong and firm. "Our orc soldiers would rather shed blood on the ground than leave their comrades to hold off the enemies alone and escape on their own!"

"I'd rather die in battle than live in shame!"

"Our strength comes from blood and thunder; our strength will turn into fire of fury and death!"

"We're… fearless!" The old orc raised his huge sword high, facing the ocean-like Shadow Legion which had sealed up all the exits of the valley.