Holy Light Is with Us; The Horn for Counterattack!

Seeing the scene before it, Demon Spirit Sal felt foggy in the brain. Having lived for many years, fought countless battles, and saw all kinds of opponents, it had never seen a scene like this before.

It had never encountered such a weird situation.

It knew that some existences had stronger life energy and couldn't be killed with usual methods, but these people had been completely dead for a while!

These bodies had run out of all their energy, and their vitality couldn't be any weaker! It was almost negative!

However, Demon Spirit Sal saw these orcs standing up again with all their injuries healed.

The most shocking was that the fiercest god of war of the Orc Kingdom also stood up.

The elites of the kingdom guard team around the old king also stood up one after another!

"Although I don't know what happened…" The old orc king did some stretching. "I'm grateful toward you."