Who Dares to Call Me an Entertainment Streamer? Watch Me Open the Treasure Chest

"Huh? How come you couldn't defeat a weak hollow?" The elves watching from behind looked contemptuous. This person was wearing ragged clothes, looking only a bit more powerful than the hollows.

Of course, hollows were weak only in comparison.

They could dodge, sneak-attack, pretend to be dead, and summon other hollows for help. Sometimes, players would be caught by surprise with an arrow in the head. Without questions, these arrows were shot by hollow archers hiding in a corner while the hollow soldiers standing outside diverted the players' attention.

So, they were weak only in comparison with other enemies in Dark Souls.

"This one looks more powerful than the average hollow. Is it an elite hollow?" The elves standing behind her murmured to each other.

"She was instantly killed by an elite hollow after defeating Gundyr, which means that she must have passed it with luck."

"Let's go! I don't want to watch it anymore," one elf said.