The Choice Between Obligation and Destiny, Farron's Undead Legion

"Have you found treasures?"

Su Tianji was silent.

Bullet comments flooded the screen in her livestream room.

[Thanks to Entertainment Elder for the gift of 'Awesome'.]

[Thanks to…]

"How did you die? How come so many people are showering you with gifts again?" Nalan Mingxue and the others were stupefied.

"I don't know." Su Tianji didn't know what to say. "You guys come here. When I opened the treasure chest, it turned into a monster!"

"The chest turned into a monster?" After putting down her virtual reality headset, Nalan Mingxue looked over and saw on Su Tianji's screen that the treasure chest stood up and changed into a pitch-black thin monster with a big tongue dangling out of its mouth. It was wandering in the room right now.

"We're coming." Using the same tactic, Nalan Mingxue dodged the huge dragon's fire and dashed into the room. Then, she heard the monster's deep snarls.

Then, she went downstairs.