Listening to Patriach Subodhi's Teaching and Hearing Buddha’s Words - Learning from a Sage!

The Dao taught by Patriarch Subodhi on the Mountain of Mind and Heart had 360 heteronomous divisions which all resulted in Illumination.

Some of them were more powerful than the others.

The first one was Method division, which consisted of summoning immortals and working the planchette of divination by manipulating yarrow stalks, and of learning the secrets of pursuing good and avoiding evil.

The second was the Schools division which included the Confucians, the Buddhists, the Daoists, the Dualists, the Mohists, and the Physicians. They read scriptures or recited prayers, interviewing priests or conjuring up saints and the like.

The third was the Silence division which consisted of quiescence and inactivity, meditation and the art of cross-legged sitting. This division was similar to the hard cultivation in seclusion in this world to achieve a breakthrough.