72 Transformations, Cloud Somersault, and Wondrous Way of Immortality!

"This old immortal's lecture is…" At this moment, Elf Queen Kellybel was also listening to the lecture standing among the elves. After corroborating it with her previous insights, she found that the lecture touched many key points. After all, for her and other pinnacle stage saint-level masters, they only needed a little nudge to step over the threshold.

"In this West Aparagodaniya Continent, even a casual old immortal living on a mountain is so powerful…?" She looked surprised. "Are all people in this place like him?"

"No wonder he's an immortal… he's indeed extraordinary…"

Then, her heart lurched when she thought of the gods and immortals who were going to unleash terrifying catastrophes in the mortal world. If every immortal is so powerful, doesn't it mean that the world is doomed?