Elder, we are out of money!

Coach Wang made a gesture, asking Elder Ren Kui to take a seat.

He said with a snicker, "Shop Owner, when this gentleman gets all the results right, I hope you won't go back on your words."

"Of course not!" Gu Tingyun said, "The Zhou Yi Divination Machine operates and changes strictly according to the workings of Zhou Yi. If you can make a few correct calculations, you can take back the money that you spend on the tokens. You would be playing for free."

Elder Ren Kui laughed, "Shop Owner, you are being conceited, thinking that you know a bit of divination. You must remember that there's always someone better than you out there. Coach Wang, go and get 500-immortal-crystals worth of tokens for me."

"Okay." Coach Wang immediately went to buy tokens.

At this moment, Elder Ren Kui waved his hand. "I think that I'll own your shop after making three to five correct calculations."