Gods’ Investiture List Opens; Killing Tribulation Begins!

"So, this is the background story of the gods and immortals in Huaxia…?" The viewers in this world finally reached the end of Investiture of the Gods.

"What about Jiang Ziya?" many people asked. 

After all, even Shen Gongbao had been granted the title of East Ocean Water Splitting General.

"What godly title does he get?" many members in the tour group who were watching the TV Series with Mr. Fang asked him in a hurry.

Ignoring what the Chan Sect and Jie Sect had done, Jiang Ziya's achievement in the gods' investiture was unprecedented. Although he wasn't as powerful as the immortals on the Gods' Investiture List, he had done his best on this journey. During the process, he had almost died and lost his powers several times. For example, in the Ten Ultimate Arrays, he had been in mortal danger with only one hun and one po left.

However, the viewers listened to the investiture of the gods for a long time but didn't hear his title.