First Hunt(2)

Ronald had been up in the tree for more than an hour. He became irritated by this as the rabbit was just passing by the bushes where he hid the trap. He thought that he should have arranged it somewhere where the rabbit can easily notice it.

As he was lamenting about his mistake, a small furry white creature with long ears that is 30 cm tall made its way into the trap as it raised its nose up high and observed its surroundings for any danger.

Ronald had hidden himself very well in the light green foliage of the tree. And the rabbit didn't notice him and drop its guard and walked near the red berries arrange on the trap.

As the rabbit was about to eat the berries, the trap door directly opened. Dropping the rabbit into the hole then closed when the weight on the door has gone.

Ronald was excited and happy when he saw this. In his excitement, he hurriedly climbed down and jumped half-way. Luckily the distance was only more or less 5 meters from the branch he was hiding to the ground.

He slowly put his knife in the middle of both doors and slowly opened it. As the rabbit saw the lights above the hole slowly became bigger, It hurriedly jumped upwards which caused the knife to pierce its head directly killing it in one blow.

- You have gained 24 exp points.

- Side quest(1) completed. You have gained 50 exp points.

Even though Ronald expected it. He was still quite shocked by the force the rabbit made when it jumped. Though that doesn't matter as the rabbit had already died.

After some time Ronald checked his status screen to make sure if his exp points really increased.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: Beast Tamer

Race: Human

Lvl: 1

Hp: 100/100

Mp: 150/150

Sp: 100/100


Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 10

Mentality: 15

Unassigned stat points: 5

Potential: 60/560

Exp: 74/100

Skills: Map, Identify


Ronald was happy as he was near on leveling up but after a moment he became sad as he calculated that he had wasted much of his time as he searched, prepared the trap, and then waited for the rabbit to get caught. Though it was effective it still consumes too much time. If he calculated that a rabbit can be dealt with by two people teaming up together in just 30 minutes at most and the least experience points the rabbit would give would be 24 then both of them will get 12. In 2 hours they will have 48 experience points while he will only have 24 experience points. As the young adults in the village needed time to adapt and adjust to the skills they got. They still need more or less 30 minutes to kill one. Also, the rabbit will try to escape as the battle continued so this will make it trickier to kill.

If not because of the side quest reward then they will gain more points than him.

Ronald sighed as he did his calculations and then planned to confront head-on the next rabbit he saw.

As Ronald didn't waste any energy on that fight he directly went to search for a new target.

After several minutes, he saw an injured rabbit jumping as it was escaping. Ronald followed the rabbit quickly but quietly.

When he was really out of luck and didn't find herbs in the outskirts of the forest and needed money so much he sometimes take the risk to enter the forest and sneak on some herbs that some beast protected. Every time he did this, his heart will always jump as one mistake may cost his little life. And due to this times, he learned how to minimize the sound of his footsteps.

Ronald followed it for some time then the rabbit stopped and look around. As Ronald saw this, he directly hid on a nearby rock covering his whole body.

Peeking behind the rock he saw the rabbit lowering its guard as it moved to a nearby bush that has small berries on it.

As Ronald saw this, he prepared his kitchen knife and moved slowly preparing to ambush the rabbit while it was still eating. Due to his inexperience in hiding his desire to kill, the rabbit quickly turned around. Upon seeing him the rabbit jumped with its full force. He thought that it would escape, but on contrary, it jumped pointing its head on him.

- You have received 27 damage.

Ronald was shocked as he saw this notification

He staggered back after being hit in the stomach. While he was still recovering his balance, the rabbit got itself in position for the second jump.

When Ronald saw this he panicked.

But at this time he remembered what his mother had taught him and quickly calmed himself.

He positioned his knife perpendicular to his stomach, holding it with both hands. The rabbit jumped again with full force.

The rabbit thought that it can easily defeat the human, as it sensed that the human in front of it was quite weak. But the rabbit was startled when it saw the human put the knife perpendicular to his stomach. The rabbit reacted late and the knife pierced its shoulder area.


-You have dealt 26 damage to the target.

Due to the force coming from its strong jump it pushed Ronald to the ground.

Ronald hurriedly waved his hand holding the knife downwards severing the whole left arm of the rabbit from its shoulder.


-You have dealt 39 damage to the target.

Blood started gushing out from the severed arm of the rabbit. It felt so much pain as fear came to the rabbit's expression.

Ronald moved a distance away and used on the rabbit.


Name: Rabbit

Lvl: 9

Hp: 41/170


"Woah, so that is why it hurts so bad. It was a high-level one."

While he was amazed by the level of the rabbit, its's hp decrease by one.

Ronald wondered about this and noticed the blood gushing from the rabbit's severed shoulder.

And relate it to the decreased on its Hp. After the rabbit's shoulder was severed. It lost the courage to continue fighting. It hurriedly escaped but due to this, the decreased on its Hp increase by 1, making it 2hp lost/second.

Ronald didn't attack it anymore and just followed it. As he was afraid that it will attack him desperately. After 50 minutes the rabbit died.

-You have gained 277 exp points.

-Level up. lvl:1 > 3

-You have gained 10 unassigned stat points.

As he saw the notifications he directly released his tension and laid on the roots of a big tree nearby.

Ronald was very happy when he leveled up 2 times.

As he laid down he checked his status.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: Beast Tamer

Race: Human

Lvl: 3

Hp: 73/100

Mp: 150/150

Sp: 100/100


Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 10

Mentality: 15

Unassigned stat points: 15

Potential: 60/560

Exp: 74/100

Skills: Map, Identify


"I think my first head-on combat with a wild animal isn't so bad." Ronald thought and sighed as he recalled everything that happened in the fight.

"Really? For me, it was very very bad. As you had been hit by just a wild animal, not a savage beast. You should train yourself more if you want to survive until the end. You may not know tomorrow you'll meet someone with a guide. " Luna rebuked as she sounded her disapproval to his thoughts.

"You know if you want to get stronger faster, you should have the mentality to do so..."

Luna's voice kept on appearing on Ronald's head as he was walking on a nearby tree to climb and rest on its branch.