Golden Rabbit

3 days later...

On the outskirts of the Everlast forest, a young man was currently hiding on a thick bush. This young man was Ronald, he had been hunting from dawn to dusk in the past days.

Ronald was currently watching a rabbit. But different from other rabbits this one doesn't have white fur, it has a golden colored one.

"Luna am I really ready for that?" Ronald asked Luna for an affirmation as he wasn't confident on winning a fight with the golden rabbit.

"Yes, you are. You've been hunting rabbits all this while right? And you had grown stronger than your past self due to it. So have confidence in your self."

"But it is not an ordinary rabbit it is a savage beast ranked rabbit."

"Even though it's a savage beast, it is still a rabbit."

"Don't be a coward. You want to get stronger fast, right? Here's your chance. This rabbit gives an amazing amount of exp points, also it gives a special item as a reward. You may not able to get this item if you miss it now."

"What kind item would I get?" Ronald asked due to his curiosity but Luna just kept silent.

"I guess you're right. No pain, no gain." Ronald sighed as he still his mind and build up his confidence.

"That's the spirit. Go on, fight. I'll cheer for you." Luna said with a very loud voice which rocked Ronald's mind at that moment.

Ronald used his skill to check the rabbit again. He has been doing this for many times due to his nervousness.


Name: Golden Rabbit (Savage Beast)

Lvl: 18

Hp: 410/410


Then Ronald checked his stats.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: Beast Tamer

Race: Human

Lvl: 9

Hp: 150/150

Mp: 150/150

Sp: 150/150


Strength: 30(10+20)

Agility: 30(15+15)

Vitality: 15(10+5)

Stamina: 15(10+5)

Mentality: 15

Unassigned stat points: 0

Potential: 105/560

Exp: 218/1364

Skills: Map, Identify, Stealth


Ronald held his breath as he slowly approached the golden rabbit.


The golden rabbit was just happily enjoying its time as it was eating its favorite food. But at the moment that it was in the peak of ecstasy it heard the sound of a breaking twig. It angrily turned its head towards where the sound was heard that disrupted its wonderful meal.

This rabbit has been enjoying its life from the day that it became a savage beast through luck by consuming the blood of a higher ranked beast. Due to this, it became the leader of all the rabbits. Even ordinary wolves don't want to come near it as it can defeat them through the ability it learned when it became a savage beast. Except for the stronger wolves.

Upon seeing a human from the direction where the sound came. It angrily jumped and activated its skill.

Rotating wind formed on its feet as it jumped. This rotating wind can boost its jumping speed and can also be used to attack its enemies.


Ronald was shocked when he saw the rabbit jumping towards him as rotating wind formed on its feet. He was just looking at the broken twig that made the sound then quickly looked in front of him when he saw the rabbit jumping and made his heart beat fast.

He hurriedly jumped sideways and rolled. Then looked at the direction where he was before.

There, he saw a big hole on a thick tree which was behind him at that time. The rabbit's kick went through the whole tree that has a thickness of more or less 4ft.

The hole was 1.5 ft in diameter. Luckily the tree didn't fall down.

"Raise your weapon, you idiot." Luna's angry voice appeared in Ronald's head as he was currently stupefied by the hole the rabbit made.

Ronald woke up from being stupefied, then watch the golden rabbit carefully.

In Ronald's experience, rabbits only made two types of attack, headbutt and jump kick. When a rabbit used headbutt it will first look on your position then bow down its head before it jumped. While it will just directly jump without bowing its head down when it is preparing to use a jump kick. These actions are made by the rabbit in a very short time.

The rabbit looked at Ronald again then directly jumped towards him with wind rotating at its feet.

Ronald saw this clearly and made a prediction that it will just use jump kick. This time he didn't jump to dodge the attack. He just moved his body a little dodging the attack by a very small margin while wielding his knife to attack the rabbit while it was still in the air at the moment.

-You have dealt 32 damage to the target.

It may seem slow, but Ronald made this move in a matter of seconds.

The rabbit didn't continue to launch an attack after it landed on the ground. It was currently looking at the small wound on its side.

Though it was just a very small wound, it had hurt the rabbit's pride, as it was not an ordinary rabbit. It was a rabbit that became a savage beast. Any normal animal will have a great improvement in their intelligence when its rank increased to savage beast rank. That is why higher ranked beast can command those beasts that are of lower rank than them.

The rabbit clearly gauged the strength of the human in front of it. And it determined that this human was weaker than it by a great margin.

The rabbit was enraged by this thought.

It observed Ronald cautiously for a moment before jumping again, still with wind rotating on its feet.

Ronald did the same as what he did before and just avoided it by stepping sideways while attacking the rabbit with his knife.

-You have dealt 32 damage to the target.

This attack pattern happened repeatedly until the fight finished. Although the rabbit's intelligence improved, it is still a rabbit. The rabbit was wondering how this puny human dodged its attack and attacked it while dodging. This enraged the rabbit thoroughly. It was thinking that even the normal wolves couldn't dodge its attack. Until the fight finished the rabbit didn't land a single hit on Ronald.

- You have gained 1921 exp points.

- Level up. lvl:9 > 10

- You gained 5 unassigned points.

- Main quest(1) completed.

- You have acquired Beast Tamer pack x 1, Lottery ticket x 1. Check your inventory for further details.

After the fight finished, Ronald sat down beside the rabbit's corpse and sighed. Though it was just a one-sided fight, and Ronald won a flawless victory it gave Ronald a very large amount of pressure. He was thinking that if he just even let one attack hit him then he would surely die. His body isn't stronger than the tree that the rabbit attacked at the very first moment. So the rabbit's attack will surely make a hole on his body.

As Ronald was contemplating the things that just happened, the carcass of the golden rabbit floated and dissolved on a fast pace. After a moment it dissolved completely leaving a golden blood floating on where the carcass was before.

"Luna, is this the thing that you said?" Ronald asked curiously as he approached the golden blood and touched it. But after touching it, it vanished.

- You have acquired Diluted Divine Blood x 1.

"Yeah check its detail, and you will know why I said that.", Luna said as she urged him to check his inventory.

Ronald opened his inventory and saw the golden blood in there. He mentally pressed it in his mind and checked its details.


Name: Diluted Divine Blood

Type: Medicine

Rarity: Legend

Description: A diluted drop of blood of a divine beast. It was obtained by refining the carcass of a beast that has consumed a divine blood.

Effects: Increases the rarity of the beast that consumes it. It also has a small probability of increasing the beast's rank.


"Wow... this is really a great item.", Ronald exclaimed as he read the details of the golden blood.

"By the way Luna what is a Divine Beast?", Ronald asked due to curiosity.

"Oh... I forgot this was just a lower world...", Luna mumbled many things but Ronald doesn't understand a thing.

"Hmmm... what is the highest rank beast you know of? ", Luna asked after some time.

"Let me think. hmmm... Normal Animal, Savage Beast, Spirit Beast, Beast Lord, and Beast King.", Ronald replied as he thought of beast rank he learned from the priest. He remembered that the strongest beast in the kingdom was a Beast King, which lives in the depths of the Everlast forest.

Luna sighed an said, "Your knowledge about beast rank isn't complete. I guess I need to teach you that. As a beast tamer, you must at least know all the ranks of the beast. Next to beast king, would be Beast emperor, and lastly Divine Beast. Though this world wouldn't have any divine beast. As a divine beast can destroy this little world of yours with just a sigh. No need to know more about that. As those things are very far from what you can reach now."

Ronald was confused on what Luna had said but the only thing he understood from all of that was that there is a stronger beast than the strongest beast living in this huge forest.

As Ronald was thinking, a strong roar was heard from a distance not far from where he was.