3 Months Later

The sun was rising from the horizon, piercing light covered the darkness, making all creations see its amazing glory. The birds praised as they chirped, the small plants bowed down as the cool wind breeze passed by them, and the trees waved their thin branches. All of this actions was like they were welcoming the coming of their emperor.

In a dark cave which was located in the depths of the forest, a young man was waking up, this young man was Ronald. It has already been 3 months since the battle in the Oakheart village. After that battle, Ronald had grown both physically and mentally.

After waking up, Ronald prepared to eat breakfast with Freya as he skillfully skinned a bird-like beast and roasted it. Ronald has been living after he woke up from his unconscious state.

Seeing the roasted beast, Ronald remembered all the things that he had gone through this whole 3 months.


When Ronald woke up from his unconscious state, he has already fully recovered, even his left arm had already grown. But the first thing he remembered was the destroyed Oakheart village and not his left arm. He had cried for some time before calming, but then he was lost in thought, as he didn't know what to do. He was utterly confused, he had been living the Oakheart village all his life, so leaving it was hard for him.

Though he lost his mother, which caused him to live and survive alone in the village, many people had taken care of him. They let him work in their shops to do some odd jobs if he was not lucky to find some useful herbs in the forest and gave him a good amount of money for the odd jobs he had done. Though he was living a rough life, he didn't even once experience a day without food.

Thinking of the face of his uncle Bart and uncle Blake, even his neighbor who had taken care of him for some time, Ronald's eyes started tearing again.

"Luna, what should I do now?"

As if found someone he can depend on, he remembered Luna's existence.

"Ronald, I think you got the wrong idea."

When Ronald heard what Luna said he became sad and then became confused.

"Ronald, always remember that I am only your guide, not your teacher who will direct you on what you would do. I have been wondering these few days, as I felt that there was something wrong with our relationship, and then I found out that you are depending on me too much. You didn't think of anything and just followed my instructions, if you want to become strong, you need to learn on how to stand by yourself. You need to hold your life yourself, and not depending on others but this doesn't mean that you should avoid other people. Though it was lonely at the top, you will still find comfort in your way there."


After listening to what Luna said, Ronald became deeply absorbed in his thoughts. He thought of all the things he had gone through, and all the things he had done. Thinking back, Ronald let out a mocking laugh to himself. After a moment of contemplation, Ronald saw Freya's small figure dragging a huge deer into the cave. Freya has been hunting like this everyday, Ronald learned of this from Luna.

Seeing Ronald who was already awake from his unconscious state, Freya immediately dropped the huge deer and immediately ran to Ronald's direction and jumped on his chest, making him fall to the ground, and then started licking his face, to show her happiness.

Freya has been down this few days, as she was blaming herself for not protecting Ronald. But different from Ronald who needed someone to direct him, Freya immediately came into a thought that she needed to become stronger. If a situation like that occurred again, she would just command the beast to stop or let them present their necks to Ronald. Thinking of these things, Freya became motivated and started hunting the beast crazily. Due to this Freya was titled 'the Crazy Little Beast Lord' by the beasts in the area, which would make even the young beasts to cry upon hearing her name.

Although beasts had a prey and predator relationship, the higher ranked beast wouldn't aimlessly kill other beasts. They would only kill some beasts if they didn't have any food left to eat. Beasts that aren't contracted to humans won't get any exp points by killing beasts of lower rank than them, so killing lower ranked beast would not give them any advantage instead it would just lessen their population.

After licking Ronald's face, Freya then jumped off his chest and ran to a corner of the cave. And there, Ronald saw a small mountain of dead beasts, Freya stood proudly on top of it. It was like she was saying, "Aren't I amazing? Aren't I great?" and was waiting for Ronald's affirmation and compliment.

Ronald was very shocked seeing the small mountain. During the battle, Ronald wasn't paying attention to Freya's situation, so he didn't know about Freya's 3 dead beasts mountain.

Seeing Freya who was waiting for his compliment, Ronald purposely didn't say anything and just ignore her gaze and started to check his stats.

Seeing Ronald acting like this, Freya was angry as she was expecting something from him, so she lightly bit Ronald's right hand. Though it didn't pierce through Ronald's hand, Ronald still felt painful.

Because of the pain, Ronald asked for Freya's forgiveness, but she didn't easily forgive Ronald.


Remembering what had happened at that time Ronald let out a small laugh and watched Freya by his side who was salivating while staring at the bird-like beast that was being roasted in the fire.

Seeing her salivating expression caused Ronald to let out a small laugh again and petted her little head.

Time passed slowly. After 5 more minutes of waiting, the roasted bird-like beast was already cooked and was ready to be served.

Ronald evenly divided the roasted bird-like beast into two and started eating his share and gave the other to Freya.

While eating, Ronald examined the changes in his status screen.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: Beast Tamer

Race: Half-human( human, elf)

Lvl: 30

Hp: 313/313

Mp: 550/550

Sp: 520/520

Moon Energy: 300


Strength: 97

Agility: 97

Vitality: 35

Stamina: 52

Mentality: 45

Unassigned stat points: 0

Potential: 326/---

Exp: 19234/19234

Racial Skills: Moon Glide, Enhanced Vision, 1st Sword of the Moon

Acquired Skills: Map, Identify, Stealth, Natural Regeneration, Tough Skin, Berserk, Blood hunt

Bestowed Skills: Disassemble, Devour - Skill
