Occupation Advancement(1)

During the beast tide, Ronald's level went up to 23, granting him 26 points in agility and strength and 13 points in stamina. But after he woke up from his unconscious state, he noticed the changes in his status screen.

Firstly, his race changed from human to half-human, Ronald asked Luna about this, and she replied that he had awakened his silver moon elf bloodline that was sleeping inside him during the battle, due to his extreme emotions. Learning about this Ronald was startled, he remembered his mother always reminding him not to disclose his family name. Ronald was confused by this at first, but as he was just a child at that time, he immediately forgot about this issue and just followed what his mother said.

Second, was the stat boost he got from awakening his bloodline, his strength and agility increased by 20, his stamina by 10, and mentality by 40. Also, after his awakening, everytime his level increased, he was given an additional three unassigned stat points, causing him to have a total of 8 unassigned stat points every level. Luna said to him that if he had just listened to what she said at that time and waited for the awakening to finish before fighting those beasts, he would have an extra 39 unassigned stat points.

Thinking about those 39 stat points caused Ronald to feel down, but then he calmed himself after a while.

The last thing he noticed in his status screen was his racial skills.


Racial Skills:

Moon Glide - Active (lvl 5 - 12.52%): Reduced the weight of the user by 75% when activated, causing the user to float in the air for a period of time. Every 1 level will reduce the skill cost by 5%.

Cost: 10 Moon energy /minute

*Note: This skill can only be used when there is moonlight.

Enhanced Vision - passive: Increase the range of the user's vision by 50 meters.

1st Sword of the Moon - Active (lvl 2 - 0.13%): Uses the moon energy stored in the body to create the first sword of the moon. After leveling this skill to 10, this skill will automatically evolve into the next stage. Cost: 100 Moon Energy/30 minutes

*Note: Moon Energy can only be gathered at night when there is moonlight.


At first, Ronald felt confused as this was the first time he heard about moon energy, but Luna clarified to him that moon energy is a resource that is only available to the silver moon elves.

Some bloodline had their own kind of resources to activate their racial skills, just like the barbarians that had wild energy as their resources to activate their racial skills, Demons that had their demonic energy as their resources to activate their racial skills, but not all bloodline would have these kinds of resources as some bloodline would just use mana and stamina to use their racial skills.


After examining everything in his status screen, Ronald then checked his quest tab.


Main quest

Title: Travel the Whole Continent

Description: In order to survive, you must first become strong and second, you must become someone who is learned and experienced. Therefore, You must travel the whole continent and learn all its wonders.

Rewards: experience pill x 100, potential pill x 50, lottery ticket x 20


Side quest(1) - Interact and observe 1,000 different kinds of beast. (38/1,000)

*Note(1): Must be at least savage beast in rank.

*Note(2): Interacting also includes fighting.

*Note(3): Every detail you got on this quest, will be recorded by your A.I. guide.

Rewards: Experience pill x 10, Title

Side quest(2) - Identify 1,000 different kind of fruits and herbs. (11/1,000)

Note: Must be at least uncommon in rarity.

Rewards: Rejuvenating pill x 5, Title

Sidequest(3) - Join the Adventurers Guild and achieve S rank within 10 years.

Rewards: Title "Expert", potential pill x 10, experience pill x 100

Sidequest(4) - Awaken your bloodline 5 times

Progress: 1/5

Rewards: Silver Moon Elf racial skill level + 20


Special Quest: Occupation Advancement

Description: Tame your second beast.

Rewards: Occupation Advancement (Beast Tamer to Apprentice Beast Tamer)

*Note: You can't increase your level if you can't complete this special quest.


Seeing his quest screen, Ronald sighed, as he focused his gaze on the special quest section. He had already hunted many beasts that would be enough for him to increase his level farther, but due to this special quest, he can't increase his level.

To complete this quest he needed to tame his second beast, but to accomplish that, he needed to increase the skill level of his skill to have an extra slot for his second tamed beast.

During these past few days, Ronald used his skill before they kill their target beast to increase its skill proficiency level.

At this day, the skill proficiency of the skill had already gone up to 99.99% with a skill level of 9. Ronald was very delighted upon seeing this and started to think about what kind of beast his second tamed beast would be. But after some time, he still hasn't decided on what kind of beast he would tame next.

Looking outside, Ronald noticed that it was already morning, so he prepared to head out and start their daily hunting routine.

Ronald checked the durability of his and .


Item name: Disassembling Knife

Type: Weapon

Rating: Uncommon

Durability: 26/132

Attack: 120 - 135

*If the user has the skill [Dissemble] - dissembling speed will increase by 50%

Description: A knife specially made for disassembling the carcass of a beast.

*Note: Only effective to beasts that are of Spirit beast rank and below.



Name: Thousand Beast Armor set

Type: Armor

Rating: Uncommon

Durability: 252/310

Defense: 210

+5% movement speed

+25% Hp

Hidden effect: Growth by blood absorption

Blood absorbed: 57%

Description: An armor made by a known blacksmith of ancient times. The materials used to forge this armor came from 3 different kinds of Beast Lord ranked beast that has the ability to absorb blood for their promotion. Due to the great ability of the blacksmith who crafted it, this armor inherited the ability of the beast lord ranked beasts to grow by absorbing the blood essence of a beast.

*Note: It can only grow up to epic grade by absorbing the blood of a Spirit Beast and a Beast Lord. Absorbing above that would cause the item to break.


The was the weapon he got from the lottery while the was the armor he got from his uncle Blake.

Different from other armor, this armor had a hood and a cloak attached to it, which made it very unusual. The whole armor was black in color which made it fell mysterious. But if someone just appraised it using their skill, they would just see it as a unique looking armor with a normal rating, as the notes and the description using Ronald's skill was one of the advantages of having a guide. Though Ronald didn't know anything about this and just thought that this was how his skill worked.

After checking that everything was fine, Ronald called Freya and went out of the cave.